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pussy hair

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Started by #473773 at 20,Nov,14 16:50
What do you think, I reckon the nicest cunts have a bit of hair around them at least, it tickles so good on your face. I don't really get this pron thing of totally shaved pussies.

I don't get shaved cocks either, makes you look like you have a parsnip for a nob. But maybe some girls like it, I don't know.

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By #7976 at 06,Nov,16 01:48
I'm with you. The furrier the beaver the better the feeling. I've had sex with women who were completely bald to ones with so much pussy hair you have to spread it apart to find their openings and, all types in the middle. I prefer a well furred pussy but any hair is better than none.

By steve3095 at 05,Nov,16 21:06 other posts of steve3095 
I love a hairy pussy. That lovely dark triangle is visible from a distance and so exciting to see. I look to look up classic porn to see beautiful nude woman spreading their legs to display their hair covered cunts.

By #497672 at 02,Nov,16 09:53
I love the smoothness and roundness of a woman's body and think a smooth shaved pussy fits in to this, as well as the fact that a woman's pussy is such a beautiful part of her body it is a shame to hide it from view.

By #11431 at 01,Nov,16 23:50
I have never understood the male desire for shaven pussy, many men have asked me to shave but I never have.
By #23212 at 02,Nov,16 01:11
Maybe sometime you could licking the top of a man's head who has a full head of hair. You might understand a bit more.
By leopoldij at 02,Nov,16 01:34 other posts of leopoldij 

By #11431 at 02,Nov,16 09:17
must try that, thanks for the suggestion ! xxx

By #485312 at 11,May,15 09:04
l like my crack and between my legs smooth, l like cocks that are hairy or just neatly trimmed, l like guys with waxed cracks and lve waxed a few backs and buttocks along the way, it should be the persons preference, not the partners, its what makes you feel most comfortable with yourseld *lix*
By #451452 at 02,Nov,16 03:00
Thanks Lix for putting the correct perspective on it. One should always choose how they groom their own body. If it is not what others like, tough sh*t. I personally like my full beard, back hair, chest hair, what little is left on my head. I accept how my partner grooms, but don't expect them to change for me if everything else is good.

By #519017 at 29,Oct,16 15:16
Me too. A hairy pussy on a woman is a visual turn on signal to a man that she's not a little girl any more and is ripe for sex. I go wild over those full triangular buses girls had in 1950's-1970's porn! I live the way my own woman's bush tickles my cock especially when she gets on top of me for cowgirl.

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