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Started by #275423 at 22,Nov,14 02:04
Is it just me or do some of the members of the site, just seem to not like replying back to a message. I feel as if I approach some of the females very nicely and can't get a reply but get guys sending messages all the damn time. Any thoughts?

New Comment

By #491031 at 25,Sep,15 15:06
I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What was your question?

By #485312 at 05,Aug,15 03:11
l come here to find a fuck basically, and it gets very time consuming answering everyones questions when l know l cant fuck them, being that theyre from countries on the other side of the planet or wrong state, so l don't chat or get on Skype for that reason, talking about sex and getting laid are totally different, and the end game is what lm looking for...not going through the motions for a pretend fuck or someone elses fantasy...don't take it personally, its just a time consuming thing for women here and on any site like it...the only advice l can give is not to make statements, ask a question that they can answer, keep it short and sweet, and don't give up...the ratio between men and women is so large that it gets overwhelming for the girls and they just shut down to have some perv time for themselves *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Sep,15 12:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Well said. I can imagine how frustrating it might be to be a woman in here. When a (straight) man gets a message, he has the time to read it and reply in leisure. When a woman gets a message, it's one out of a hundred, so it must be a really good one for it to attract her attention. Perfectly reasonable. Wish things were otherwise, but it'll always be the case that men will be chasing after women and women will be the ones who choose. More or less.

By t-rex at 23,Nov,14 01:57 other posts of t-rex 
I'm sure it's frustrating for the guys to leave messages and not get answers, I know the girls get tons, so I'm grateful if I just get a thank you from them
By #311947 at 24,Sep,15 13:05
It is at least nice/polite that they reply with a simple thank you or what ever. Hell, if she caught my eye enough that I feel compelled to send her a message or leave a comment it is appreciated when they comment in return. 99% of the time Im not even looking to have some drawn out conversation Im just letting them know I like their page/pics and let them know how sexy or pretty they are.

By #311947 at 24,Sep,15 12:56
Sometimes Im sure girls get flooded with messages all the time. Im sure alot of the messages are what they consider crude or rude or just stupid. Im sure they dont get to them all and just get turned off from answering other more genuine messages. Perhaps its from a guy they just do not find appealing. Idk. I dont take it personally at all. ...I get messages from guys and often they are just kinda lame messages [do you like my cock? Vote for my pic (we are not even "friends) etc] I try to at least reply with thank you or hi or something general. Some people might just be on to show their goods off and not interact. Have their egos appeased or humiliated what ever. I wouldnt take it personally, its on them. Thats how I see it.

By #360410 at 24,Nov,14 07:05
The funny thing is. This is a sex site right? But I've commented on many pictures and some of the ladies band me wondering why? Isn't that why you posted nudes?
By leopoldij at 24,Nov,14 20:17 other posts of leopoldij 
sometimes it feels as if this is a church site or something. weird...

By slipper at 24,Nov,14 04:09 other posts of slipper 

By #472683 at 22,Nov,14 04:31
Ladies get pelted with a LOT of messages. The site only allows you to see 100 at a time. They "drop off" the page after that. So, sometimes, we never see them, unfortunately, or we just can't keep up with them all. Most guys don't know that--the 100 message limit.

Sometimes, a person sends separate thoughts in separate messages, and that can eat up maybe ten messages. I usually tell people, "Please check the box for message mode so you can make paragraphs."

So it's usually not personal. We just can't be here all day, and we get overwhelmed with messages.

I appreciate all messages, and I read all of them. I just can't answer as much as I'd like to.
By #23212 at 22,Nov,14 04:49
Good luck to you with the '... check the box ... message mode...', and getting those 'pelters' to understand that.

By #275423 at 22,Nov,14 07:49
Yeah i never even knew about the message limit but thanks for that info
By admin at 22,Nov,14 12:00 other posts of admin 
Message limit was in legacy mode that most of members not even aware of. You need to switch into it deliberately. And it was not 100 messages but rather 100 dialogues. I.e. if 50 members wrote 10 messages each they still would be shown all, not just 100 messages. On the other hand if 200 members wrote 1 message each, only 100 would be shown. But I repeat that was legacy mode, it was changed years ago.

Current default mode always shows all new dialogues no matter how many members wrote.

I understand that female members can be overwhelmed by messages, but I do not buy the theory that they cannot read them due to site limitation.
By #472683 at 22,Nov,14 22:55
I'm confused. I checked, and my messages, in old view, which I prefer (easier on these aging eyes; lol) only go back to November 4th. In the new view, October 23rd. I came back at the beginning of September. Shouldn't I see all the messages? I'm flummoxed.
By admin at 22,Nov,14 23:53 other posts of admin 
No. In the new view you always see all unread messages, but after you read them, you may actually see less than in the old version. Because you see only most recent message from each member, not a feed of everyone's messages in a mix.

By DJS at 22,Nov,14 08:14 other posts of DJS 
Well i didn't no that,But thanks for the update steffi

By #124665 at 23,Nov,14 05:57
She's so lying?!

By #460403 at 22,Nov,14 22:11
Ok again, hard lesson to be learnt! People come over here to look for something different, not the usual stuff. If most of what you offer is categorized in the "usual stuff", sadly tho, won't get so much response at all especially from the females, the guys mostly trip over anything that would make them touch themselves, which happens very often and more importantly so easily. So if you are going to have a nice relaxed stay on SYD/C generally, you will have to accept that fact and deal with it as it is. Forget about the members' attitudes and enjoy the real purpose behind it, showing off!!

With respect to Steffi, I also don't buy the excuse of not replying because of the overwhelming messaging the members' receive, I can be very sure that every one on here reads every line on every message he/she receives, simply because we, humans, love to hear/read nice things said about us.

People are picky and that's their right, end of story!!
By #472683 at 22,Nov,14 22:50
Like Admin said, in "legend" view (had no idea what that was; lol), it was like that with the limit.
By #460403 at 22,Nov,14 22:58
Maybe that's the case for you Steffi, the situation should be clearly generalized so that our guy would understand how things are going on here, or any porn website.
By #472683 at 23,Nov,14 01:47
I doubt I'm the only one using legend view. Other ladies, where are you? What's been your experience?
By #358797 at 23,Nov,14 02:31
I get oodles of messages too... I ignore a good 80% of messages I get simply because I don't like to interact with overly desperate, illiterate fucknuts. Another 10% gets ignored cuz they're assholes, and I reply to the rest, whether it be general convo or a simple thank you...
By #444014 at 23,Nov,14 02:37
wat do u meen y b like dat
By #358797 at 23,Nov,14 02:46
Bcoz I has widdle pashients wifs decifring kriptic txt.

By #454187 at 22,Nov,14 02:10
Couldn't have said it better myself I have the exact same problem

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