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Who got the cane at School

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Started by #53773 at 26,Nov,14 21:11
I often got the cane on the hands at School and now, as an adult, have a friend that comes around so we can play caning each other on the hands and bare bum. Do others play such games ?

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By routemaster at 14,Aug,15 14:44 other posts of routemaster 
I got the cane at school for calling a teacher who I hated a fat cunt. I was asked to apologise but people only apologise when they're sorry and I wasn't. Don't talk to me about respect, that has to be earned no matter who they are and, believe me, if you had known this teacher you'd have been calling him a fat cunt - and worse - too. He'd never get away with his way of teaching nowadays, treating everyone like they were something he just scraped off his shoe and shouting all the time, you don't learn anything that way. These bullies have to be stood up to, someone had to do so and it was worth getting the cane just to show I wasn't scared of a little shit like him. I wasn't sorry for calling him a fat cunt then and I ain't sorry now neither.
By #23212 at 15,Aug,15 05:04

By #485312 at 15,Aug,15 11:46
sometimes the system has some real bottom feeders as teachers...yeah no point apologising for something that you believe in so told it as you saw it and that teacher needed a good slapping by the sound of it, respect is earned and not given... *lix*
By routemaster at 15,Aug,15 12:53 other posts of routemaster 
I think that teacher was actually mentally ill, the way he used to rant and rave over nothing and throw blackboard rubbers at your heads. Others in the class cowered in fear and I did until I made my outburst, I didn't even decide beforehand I was going to call him what I did, it was a spur-of-the-moment reaction after he'd called all of us a bunch of lazy slobs. These days, he would be sacked and banned from teaching for life. He may have got some satisfaction from seeing me caned - by the headmaster - but nowhere near the satisfaction I got having the balls to stand up to him. And as you say, "lix", respect has to be earned, its not an automatic right. Its a two-way thing too and he made it clear from the outset he had not one iota of respect for us but expected us to have it for him. Well, tough titty and on the day I left that school, I blanked him. My Scorpio birthright doesn't often rear its head but it did then and, despite getting the cane, I still feel I was the one that scored the points. He thought as we were k i d s, he could get away with it but I bet you if anyone of his size and age had stood up to him and challenged him to a fight, he'd have shit himself. Apologies for using such a disgusting phrase but his type are all the same, all mouth and no substance
By #485312 at 15,Aug,15 13:06
yeah maybe he was mentally ill, if not he might of never got sex and was taking all his inner frustrations out on you and your mates..l did my work experience at the local convent just before l left school, and those nuns had pretty mean tempers too. couldn't believe the way they dished out punishment, bit like the ruler scene in the blues brothers...that still makes me laugh that scene...and reminds me of my stint with the holy teachers lol, *lix*

By #485312 at 11,May,15 10:20
l got the ruler in class a few times, l was taken to the office and told if was a buoy ld have gotten it...but nothing compared to my old man and his strop...he dished out some pretty mean punishment, l was shitlessly scared of my old man for a long time, till he had an accident and cut his hand off...then l seen him for what he was, an old dude with no hand to hit me...and l was never scared of him again *lix*

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