| For those of you who have kids in school. Cherish them. Kiss them goodbye in the morning. Hug them at night. We have 17 dead and several injured at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Our neighbors neice was one of the students shot. She was shot in the leg. She is in surgery as I speak. This school is only 10 miles from our youngest son's highschool. Our oldest son's mother-in-law and her mother our teachers at the middle school on the same campus. We still have 3 girls that can't be located and missing. So if your a believer, say a prayer for these kids. Football coach is dead, he layed on top of several students to sheild them. This hits way to close to home. The shooter was a 19 year old ****. He was expelled from this school last year. He pulled the fire alarm to draw the students out of the classrooms. He had a gas mask on, armed with smoke canisters, and a AK-47. SWAT team found him a mile away walking down the street with a school uniform on. |
Stop pointing the finger at the NRA every time because they weren't the ones who ignored the warning signs.
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Once that first person says that they will no longer be in the pocket of the NRA, more will follow just like all of the businesses that are divorcing themselves from the NRA because it's no longer to financially advantageous to be associated with them.
When it is no longer acceptable to the American voters for their elected politicians to be in the pocket of the NRA real, effective change will happen.
Mass shootings of school chlldren in the US are no longer shocking, horrific or unbelievable, they're normal and that's shocking, horrific and unbelievable.
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What's wrong with this picture?
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Your initial message rings true. Cherish your c,hild, your spouse, the teachers that you entrust your c,hildren with, life is precious.
only families will be sad for very long long time and wound that will never heal.
other people will just forget about it in time and government will stay quite. media will make afuzz about it then go after another thing interesting to fill media time and papers.
that is how we live now adays ...
the kids and their families. Blessed Be.
V I O L E N C E...Really? Are the powers that be so AFRAID of a word America lives by?