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Santa's Best Pick Up lines.

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Started by #474162 at 03,Dec,14 23:16
I see you when you are sleeping, you don't wear any underwear do you?

Wanna meet Santa's little helper? He's not so little if ya know what I mean...

Are you interested in seeing my North Pole?

How about I slip down YOUR chimney, at half past midnight?

Similar topics: 1.Tan Lines   2.Lamest pick up lines   3.Santa owes me a girl   4.I guy just asked me if his "dog could bite my coyote"...   5.Top 3 members you want to fuck?  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 08,Dec,14 02:20 other posts of leopoldij 
What's wrong with the South Pole?Aussies Would be offended. ...
By #444014 at 08,Dec,14 02:50
Does Santa come from the South Pole ?...
By leopoldij at 08,Dec,14 12:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. Did you not know that this is the politically correct thing to say? Or, better, yet, to say that santa cums on the pole
By #444014 at 16,Dec,14 15:56
It is a double entendre A two way question as it has two meanings...

Question...Does Santa come from the South pole ?

1st part....Does he come from the South pole(geographical)
2nd part....Does he come(cum) from the South pole(his cock)..

Fcuk politically correctness....

If Santa comes on a Pole wouldn't other people feel left out ?
By andrew999999999 at 16,Dec,14 20:50 other posts of andrew999999999 
Maybe Polish people won't like your last question.
By #444014 at 18,Dec,14 08:35
By andrew999999999 at 18,Dec,14 20:40 other posts of andrew999999999 

By andrew999999999 at 16,Dec,14 20:51 other posts of andrew999999999 
Wanna see my Yule log?

By DeepThroatThis at 08,Dec,14 15:16 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
HO HO HO.....where where ?

Old Tiger Woods joke a couple of years ago.

By bella! at 04,Dec,14 02:24 other posts of bella! 
Ahhh! This is a topic that is so suited for fairy. A sharp wit that compares to no one.......
By #474162 at 04,Dec,14 04:23
So you don't want to see my north pole?
By bella! at 04,Dec,14 04:31 other posts of bella! 
Love to, just post some pics!

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