Most strange indeed.
Perhaps instead of dogs a flock of emus could peck the coyote and kick its dunny door down.
[deleted image]
By #491031 at 04,Jul,15 14:07
I'm not quite sure that makes the pick-up line any more appealing.
Offering to "kick" a guy's "dunny door down" sounds like a euphemism for aggressive buggery.
Some of us are not into that sort of thing. To each, his own, I guess. Still, I would have to pass on that one.
"I hope you chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down!"
an Australian curse; hope you have bad luck.
Evidently 'chooks' is a slang for chickens but regardless, it seems to be a curse of some sort. Please, Mr. TheUnicorn, keep me informed whether you should grow an extra digit, anywhere.......
By #491031 at 05,Jul,15 07:26
That is an idiotic curse.
I prefer "Your head should grow in the ground like an onion."
Your head growing in the ground like an onion? That sounds so American! But to kick your dunny door down sounds, sounds.....WILD!
Pssst......pssst...... this has been a busy week for me, I was blacklisted by a member in England, blacklisted by a former friend in Oz and now the ice cream on the cake, JohnS deleted me as his "friend". In the world of horse racing, a perfect "trifecta"!
By #132188 at 05,Jul,15 09:13
Wow your bro deleted you.... Yep and world peace is on the way.... Yada yada, I'm so sad now ...Not➡ hey look at that grassy knoll over there... ➡↘
Yeah, that sounds "unique", for sure. Well, collie-wobbles aside, it just shows that you've still got IT! Not sure what your IT factor is, but you definitely attracted a wild one. Do you think his dog had fleas?
By #491031 at 04,Jul,15 13:35
I'm not sure about the fleas, but his "dog" definitely has some issues.
I politely declined his offer, but I am worried that he won't handle my rejection well.
He really seems to be obsessed with me...
Perhaps instead of dogs a flock of emus could peck the coyote and kick its dunny door down.
[deleted image]
Offering to "kick" a guy's "dunny door down" sounds like a euphemism for aggressive buggery.
Some of us are not into that sort of thing. To each, his own, I guess. Still, I would have to pass on that one.
"I hope you chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down!"
an Australian curse; hope you have bad luck.
Evidently 'chooks' is a slang for chickens but regardless, it seems to be a curse of some sort. Please, Mr. TheUnicorn, keep me informed whether you should grow an extra digit, anywhere.......
I prefer "Your head should grow in the ground like an onion."
Pssst......pssst...... this has been a busy week for me, I was blacklisted by a member in England, blacklisted by a former friend in Oz and now the ice cream on the cake, JohnS deleted me as his "friend". In the world of horse racing, a perfect "trifecta"!
I politely declined his offer, but I am worried that he won't handle my rejection well.
He really seems to be obsessed with me...