| It is a desire of mine to comment favorably on people's pictures or appearance. I have tried every tactic. Give gentlemanly comment, be more sexual, but usually no one replies no matter what tactic I use. Actually I mostly just want people to message about normal (non-sexual topics - everyday life. Now most people seem have their comments box blocked so you cannot even give comments.
That is one thing, but I watched a drama about how people today, including young people use social media sites and tell strangers far too much about themselves and leave themselves open to communications with people who may not be who they seem to be and certainly have motivations which are undesirable.
I know most people on this site hide their identity, which is good, get so many messages, they cannot reply, or women get so many messages from straight men because there are so few of the former (or latter). I just like women, but ithe way of being more kind and caring natured in general, attractive. It is OK if men contact men - I don't mean it isn't. Yet I get the impression that most on the site just want to "look" and not message. which is OK, but I now realise the dangers to women of all ages of replying to people they do not know or who may be messaging for dangerous reasons for the responent, so I have decided to withdraw. |
The reason for the lonelyness is cuz it's all so superficial now. We're all just Life Tourists. And it's fucking sad. All this tweeting and trending, makes one feel special, and a part of something. Tomorrow, no one cares or remembers, on to the the next flavor of the day. People do all this to kill the boredom and not feel alone. And at the end of the day, it just you, alone, anyway.
This is a time of great change, and awareness, to those who accept it, and munipulate it, and live vicariously through it, the ethereal Netherlands unexplored. In this intranet, the reality we've all clung to is left to a tap of the mouse or, for some, we still have the photographs of the good times, in Kodachrome in picture books that mean so much more..
But, back to loneliness.. I feel that this is a great site, and a many come here from lonliness in some form or another. I think that those who stay are the most lonely. I been there. I am here. Whether we are depressed, lonely, drunk, horny, fucking sick of it all and all of the above.. Facebook, Twitter, all them stupid little trying to get me to join shit sites.. Can go kiss off! I've met the most Awesome people here. HERE. You're family, then fucking CALL me, otherwise, I'm busy looking at, and talking to, a different family, people I have a lot in common with, people I have fun with.. AND IF YOURE NOT DOWN WITH THAT..........
But from what you and other people say about facebook I guess it is more for keeping up with people you already know (family, old friends, etc.) than for finding new friends by common interests.
thanks for chatting.
take care.