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New group- UK Circumcised

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Started by #455846 at 11,Jan,15 21:25
Join this Group if you are circumcised and from the UK or Ireland. I thought it would be interesting to see how many there are of 'us', as I havent come across many (no pun intended )



Similar topics: 1. Circumcised penis cum pics please! ;)   2.Adult circumcision   3.Anyone thinking about getting circumcised?   4.Circumcised/Cut guys - How did you end up with it?   5.Originally circumcised and now looking like I could use to be circumcised again  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 13,Jan,15 16:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Has Prince Charles joined your group yet? I remember reading in a book that while circumcision was not widely done in the UK, he was.
By #316255 at 13,Jan,15 19:08
Camilla did it... With her teeth
By #455846 at 15,Jan,15 02:56
very funny that

By #455846 at 15,Jan,15 02:56
thanks for the information
By #518391 at 25,Aug,17 07:05
Circumcision was routine in the Royal family from the days of Queen Victoria's husband Albert...but it appears to have stopped with current Princes, as Diana was against it; but there are rumours that the boys were done after her death...but unconfirmed.
By leopoldij at 25,Aug,17 07:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Why would they do it? Does circumcision cure haemophilia?

By spermkiss at 25,Aug,17 15:32 other posts of spermkiss 
"...routine in the Royal family from the days of Queen Victoria's husband Albert..." So I guess that means Prince Albert was cut. Interesting.

Undoubtedly you've heard of a piece of genital jewelry called the Prince Albert. It's called that because Prince Albert had one. As to why, well, rumor has it that the Prince was rather well endowed and when he walked, his royal member was quite visible bouncing around in his pants. This bothered Queen Victoria so he got what was then called a "dressing ring". He passed a ribbon thru the ring and tied it around one leg.

This seems like a pretty drastic solution to what many would think isn't even a problem. I mean, many men like having their dicks show. (The popularity of this site proves that.) And didn't he wear underpants? Was he always walking around commando? Think, too, about when he had to pee. Instead of just whipping it out and letting it flow, he had to drop trou and undo the ribbon. Then tie it up again when he was finished. Probably he had a manservant to do this for him. Even hold his dick while he peed and milk out those last few drops. Those Victorians were kinky.

And why was Queen Victoria upset about Prince Albert's dick showing? Was it prudishness or did she not like all those commoners eyeing his royal member? "That dick is MINE so keep your hungry eyes off of it!" One can only speculate.

By #518391 at 25,Aug,17 07:03
Here's my circumcised coc...done when I was 65.
[deleted image]

By #113432 at 24,Aug,17 10:25
I am german, but being circumcised is very rare here too!

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