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ughhhhh hard times.

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Started by #124456 at 12,May,15 02:44
yes im 20 and still live with my parents. they cleaned my room one day, i had an anal plug, but ever since then cleaned my room my lube and panties and anal plug is gone where should i look?

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New Comment

By #460385 at 07,Jul,15 22:01
Do you really want the butt plug back. I'm sure mama took it for a reason. You ever think that reason might be cause mama wanted up her ass. I suggest buying a new one. And asking mama to borrow the mini van to make a drive over to the lingerie shop to get some new panties. Oh, and don't forget to ask daddy for your lube back.
By #491031 at 07,Jul,15 22:14
Is there some kind of "3 second rule" for butt plugs?
If it's only plugging someone else's butt for three seconds, it's safe to pop it right into your own?
By bella! at 07,Jul,15 23:28 other posts of bella! 

By #23212 at 09,Jul,15 05:21
The 'rule' states that yes, it's safe, but only if there is an ATM during the exchange.
By #491031 at 09,Jul,15 14:19 have three seconds to run to a banking machine, make a withdrawal, and swap the plug? Butt stuff can be so confusing...
By #460385 at 09,Jul,15 18:18
While your wearing your butt plug at the ATM. Could you grab some cash (and don't be cheap) So the good Dr. can take Ms. Bella shopping since he has no chance in hell with her by using that horrible line "take off your panties".

By #23212 at 10,Jul,15 03:42
Aaaiiiieeee 'TheUnicorn', 'Ass To Mouth'!! [A common term in 'the porn World'.]
To be more 'graphic', that would be an 'ATM' in the middle of 'the exchange', so that it's "safe".

By #124456 at 10,Aug,15 03:08
and dont forget to use some Viagra to get that dick up a little bit higher

By #491909 at 14,Jul,15 21:04
Clearly they are not looking at your browsing history
By #124456 at 10,Aug,15 03:06
they dont have the password to my computer.

By #491031 at 14,Jul,15 16:08
I can really relate to this problem! Except:
I'm a grown-up.
I clean my own room.
I don't own an anal plug or panties.
I own my own home.
I do have parents. So, like, I feel your pain, man.
By bella! at 14,Jul,15 21:18 other posts of bella! 
Oh, that is a direct hit. BOOM! 💥

By #485312 at 14,Jul,15 14:27
its gone to great butt plug hole in the sky, its never coming back, try leaving home and buying a new one...*lix*

By #124665 at 10,Jul,15 10:47
Check the drawer where mom keeps the vibrator (you know ) Then steal her toy n panties n use them on yourself. Make sure to leave behind some lipstick n shit stains. This means war

By #68656 at 12,May,15 07:56
This is a rerun of exactly the same post placed on March 28th
Very likely the story is fantasy or we are being told a cock and bull story.
Also men do not wear panties.
By leopoldij at 12,May,15 08:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh well, we're wasting our time replying to him. Clearly, that's his fantasy. Thanks for spotting.

By bella! at 12,May,15 09:08 other posts of bella! 
So you think this is a cock and bull story? Maybe the member is taking street d.rugs or something.

His profile says he's 22, the March, 2015 thread says he's 21, this thread says he's 20. Seems to be confused about his age. Maybe his plug, lube and panties are just in his wild dreams.....

By #472683 at 07,Jul,15 18:53
Plenty of men wear women's panties. lol

(The laugh was for the ignorant comment, not the fact that men wear them.)
By bella! at 07,Jul,15 23:34 other posts of bella! 
Steffi, I'm sure you know by now, JohnS will be JohnS. His world is black and white, no grey.
By #491031 at 08,Jul,15 02:12
So...he will only wear panties that are solid black or white?

By leopoldij at 07,Jul,15 21:43 other posts of leopoldij 
Look down the toilet. It might still be there.

By bella! at 12,May,15 03:50 other posts of bella! 
You're 20 years old, living under your parents roof and your momma cleans your room? Please say you don't have to borrow your mom's minivan to go on dates!

Back to the question at hand, why not ask your parents about the missing items. If you want to be treated as an adult, you must act like an adult. If you had a watch in your room and was no where to be found after your parents cleaned your room, would you have any hesitation asking if they had seen it? How is the missing plug, lube and panties any different? Yes, the conversation will be uncomfortable but it's got to be done. There is a bigger issue if these items were in your drawer and out of sight. I feel that the sooner you address the matter, the sooner you will find that there is no longer an 'elephant in the room'.
By #124456 at 07,Jul,15 03:56
your like 250 pounds? you mad?
By bella! at 07,Jul,15 18:12 other posts of bella! 
Hey, sweetie, I'm not the one living in my parent's basement, YOU ARE!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

It musta hit home hard when I asked about Mom and the minivan!

By leopoldij at 12,May,15 07:50 other posts of leopoldij 
It's none of their business to take the items away. They did knowing very well that either of the two will happen: (1) you will say nothing and they will have taught you a lesson knowing you'll die in shame never to repeat it again or (2) you'll have the balls to ask them back and tell them it's none of their business to stick their nose in your personal life.

I don't think they expect (2) so be brave and do it. It will improve your relationship with them and will make you stronger. If you don't do it now, you'll never do it in the future and, trust me, you won't regret.

If they react badly, again, take this as a positive sign: you will know it's time you moved out and found a place of your own.
By bella! at 12,May,15 09:02 other posts of bella! 
I disagree with your first sentence to some degree. I firmly believe that as long as you live under your parents roof, you must live by their rules. In the event that you cannot follow their rules, then it is time for you to go somewhere where you are able to live by the rules your rules.

When I was 19 years old, had my full-time job and lived at home. Yes, I paid the obligatory "room and board" ( it was a dollar amount that was really almost nothing, but I had a job so it was anticipated that I would pay something ). My dad was a teacher and worked Monday through Friday and I was dating a new guy. My parents wanted me in the house by 23:00, M - Th and 01:00 on Friday and Saturday. The first time that I did not make it home by my "curfew", the storm doors were locked and I was not able to get in. It is their house, their rules. I moved out shortly thereafter and never returned. Sadly, at 19, I did not see or appreciate the wisdom of my parents and ultimately, they were right about many things that we bucked heads on.
By leopoldij at 12,May,15 09:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Fair enough. But the guy is expressing his fantasy... So we're wasting our time replying
By bella! at 12,May,15 09:30 other posts of bella! 
I now recognize that the guy is talking through his pie hole. Note my post below; his profile says he's 22, the March thread says he's 21, this thread says he's 20.

Take a look at this picture posted in 2011, more than 3.5 years ago. Either this guy is a whack-a-doodle and this is his fantasy OR do the math, the guy was un.derage when he joined.

[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 12,May,15 11:03 other posts of leopoldij 
He's probably enjoying the attention he gets from us, wanking away happily. He got what he needed. The only thing he didn't get is pussy but he won't get any any time soon.
By #124456 at 07,Jul,15 03:55
LMFAO just because i SAY im 20 doesnt mean im exactly 20 go somewhere else you guys think your impressing someone hahhahahahaah

By #64328 at 12,May,15 16:59
Check your dads sock drawer

By #485312 at 12,May,15 15:32
ask her what she did with them and lm sure she threw them away, go through her draws and throw out something of hers, or leave a big red dildo in her undies draw for fun *lix*

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