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calm the fuck down

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #132188 at 17,May,15 11:56
Another member and I have a beef... Der so all the sideline commentators calm the Fuck down and it will be dealt with. Why the Fuck is everyone's conspiracy theory on Admin. He is only doing his job. He was asked to delete certain comments so he did. Let's stop thinking this is about him cause it ain't, He ain't a ( grassy knoll) person. My posts contributed to the fire... Poke me with a stick I WILL bite.

Admin does not spy on pm's nor really care about retarded behaviour... Why would he give a.

Leave him alone whingers and think about why this site is as is.

And don't ever forget whether your a paid member sponsored or just a cling on HE provided this for us so....

C/o Thug ( Totally Honest Unique Guy) from Queensland regards Dev.

Similar topics: 1.The 'nutters' on this site...   2.keep calm and swallow cum   3.Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard...   4.We seem to be getting more abusive on some form posts.   5.Might lose virginity tonight. Advice? (gay)  

New Comment

By #490234 at 18,May,15 11:01
Jerry, in the past you have made inferences to particular members of this community and have embarked on often vicious personal attacks on said individuals including false speculation. Please clear the air for all of us and list the reasons for this ongoing vendetta and the problems with any members. Who initiated these problems and what are they.? I would respectfully remind you that when I was a member of the private SAS group I witnessed personally your attacks on various members who were unable to reply and defend themselves. At least any comments to or about you by various members are on the public forum. Please do not insult our intellect by talking about moles.
Remember that money does not buy respect nor does it give a leading paid member a free pass to break group rules.
With greatest respects, PB
By mr_blue at 18,May,15 11:16 other posts of mr_blue 

You shit on all the people in that group pb,no matter what you say....

So stop with your games,and write your own questions,don't post for someone else...

Why should anyone have to justify anything to you anyway ?

Who initiated it, you know very well who don't stir shit...

That person shit talks on everyone...

Private means private, my pm's to the person you are writing for get sent around the site,so think about why you are really asking questions you already know the answers too...

You can't act one way in public calling everyone out and being self righteous,then call people names in private....I am the same in private and public.....the person you are writing for isn't and that's a fact....

By bella! at 18,May,15 15:59 other posts of bella! 
To poolboy, I believe that this thread was directed towards me.

By the way, I couldn't help but notice, other than calling the member Jerry, this does not appear to be your writing style!? I'm so confused!

By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 17:16
I smile at the fact that Wormtongue paints himself as the "hero" in that drama...

By Sir-Skittles at 21,Apr,20 01:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Ted-e-Bare, fuck off cunt

By #490234 at 18,May,15 12:09
Please let him answer the question for himself alex, he is a grown man.
By mr_blue at 18,May,15 12:46 other posts of mr_blue 
Please stop stirring shit can ask in private can't you...same as the member you keep posting for...

If that happened maybe there wouldn't be half as much shit here...

You just keep missing the issues over and over...

If the member in question can't be bothered to ask himself he should shut up...

Adult Discussion Forum