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Started by #445126 at 06,Jun,15 12:16
I was thinking about the fact that so many people ask why their pics aren't 'popular' or don't get votes and/or comments and it almost always seems like the people who ask that never comment on others, vote, or communicate in any way other than simply posting a pic of their junk.

Guys, you can't just pull your cock out and expect that people will flock to it. Get involved. Make nice comments - RESPOND TO COMMENTS AND PMs - and (forgive the pun) but throw the other guy a bone now and again.

Just my thoughts.

Similar topics: 1.Friends of your friends [new feature]   2.Social Media for the Penis?   3.The negative side of social media   4.The "social" side of the site..   5.SOCIAL DISTANCING  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 08,Jun,15 23:37 other posts of spermkiss 
You're so right buddy. I've developed some really nice friendships here. You're a good example. Sure, we talk about sex and dicks, but our conversation has branched off to gardening, music, and our native states.
By #445126 at 09,Jun,15 11:15
True that. Besides sex and dicks are what most guys talk about anyway - here or not!
By spermkiss at 09,Jun,15 18:22 other posts of spermkiss 
So true. Guys are guys and most of the time guys are thinking with their small head instead of their big head.

By #396914 at 08,Jun,15 22:36
Spot on! If I want a few points I simply send comments to pics I like and drop a few PM's and most guys respond very generously! Naked brothers together - I love it!!
By jayman73 at 09,Jun,15 13:29 other posts of jayman73 
That's exactly what I was thinking. Just enjoy the site. Post pics, socialize, enjoy the pictures, and comment on the ones you like and you will be rewarded.

Naked brothers together forever.
By 3fdfd at 09,Jun,15 16:04 other posts of 3fdfd 
I'd like to be a "naked ****" to any number of the guys on this site - starting with you Mr. Jayman 72
By jayman73 at 09,Jun,15 17:55 other posts of jayman73 
Well, I'm glad to hear that.

By bella! at 06,Jun,15 17:46 other posts of bella! 
Good advice, shorttop, good advice!

Um.....some guys can "just pull out their cock" and have others flock toward them but that's not normally the case.

This is a social site and it is important to be social. Think about it, when you go to a party or a function, do you think that your presence is enough or is it important to mix and mingle? Of course it's important to mix and mingle, to build new relationships! Of course if you're Bono, it might not be important what your equipment looks like....but would you care, you're Bono!?
By #445126 at 07,Jun,15 12:12
I wish I was Bono.
By bella! at 07,Jun,15 20:30 other posts of bella! 
Bono? Really?

Why when YOU'RE already a hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin' love!?

By _avg_ at 07,Jun,15 00:31 other posts of _avg_ 
Let's not forget, though, that some people simply CANNOT use PM...
By bella! at 07,Jun,15 02:49 other posts of bella! 
Why not?
By _avg_ at 07,Jun,15 03:44 other posts of _avg_ 
Dunno. Admin said it was my Adblock, which I disabled (against all better judgement), but it still didn't work, so he's not sure what else to do:


By #491031 at 06,Jun,15 13:03
Are you suggesting that the majesty of my mighty, manly dingus is not enough to get people to comment? Surely you jest!

Why should anyone require more from me than the ability to gaze at my junk? I'm doing them a favor. The least they could do is thank my for the privilege.
By bella! at 06,Jun,15 17:33 other posts of bella! 
Dude, get off your high horse, er, um, unicorn! You're not even showing YOUR dingus!
By #491031 at 06,Jun,15 20:07
I am showing my dingus. You just can't see it. Not only is my dingus mighty and manly, it is also mystical and magical. Only the pure of heart can see Unicorn dingus.
Don't blame me; I don't make the rules...
By bella! at 06,Jun,15 20:26 other posts of bella! 
You have a magical and mystical dingus, do you? Does your dingus spurt golden coins? Can your dingus grant wishes? Is your dingus as long as your arm and have little wiggly and tickly things at the end that are visible and have exciting functionality? Do those that gaze upon your mighty and manly dingus have to wear special eye wear and if they don't, could they go blind?
By #491031 at 06,Jun,15 20:44
Now that's just silly. (And the "wiggly and tickly things" part is kind of gross!) My dingus spurts what all dinguses (dingi?) spurt: rainbows and sunshine.
By bella! at 06,Jun,15 21:05 other posts of bella! 
Just as I thought, you're not a bonafide, full bl00ded unicorn! If you were a real unicorn you would know what the plural of dingus is!

So you think the part about the "wiggly and tickly" things is gross? Well, let me tell you, not if you're on the receiving end it's not!

Adult Discussion Forum