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Fake girl post

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #525094 at 24,Feb,17 10:57
Hornycamgirls is a dude dont bite on his shit

Similar topics: 1.Complaining about internet pictures   2.This sight needs to controal all the foney pic's   3.Why delete only the "fake" profile?   4.Clues for fake members   5.Fake accounts  

New Comment

By #316057 at 25,Feb,17 05:42
my fake pic.[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 25,Feb,17 06:51 other posts of leopoldij 
That's so fake, please stop faking it.
By #316057 at 25,Feb,17 07:01
By leopoldij at 25,Feb,17 14:37 other posts of leopoldij 
People don't get my humour: /forum/thread.php?id=3911#9
I'm glad YOU do.

By #460385 at 24,Feb,17 17:45
I've been checking this page since she joined. I can't get one hit on any of her pics. I believe like we have seen in the past. She probably does a webcam site and she is here to advertise. But it's hard to prove it when her pics have no links to other websites.

By bella! at 24,Feb,17 11:38 other posts of bella! 

The member is a guy? Who is he posting pictures of? If the pictures are "borrowed" from the Internet and you are able to provide proof, submit the member to the evaluation panel for review and possible deletion.
By #358797 at 24,Feb,17 11:59
Strikes me as screenshots off a cam site. I'm too lazy to search right now.
I remember the same member using photos of two cam girls when they first joined....
By leopoldij at 24,Feb,17 15:46 other posts of leopoldij 
That's right. I agree. They look like they're taken from a live sex cam.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

But hang on a minute. This member isn't even lying. Their ID is hornyasmgirls. They're telling us so! They decided to create an account with pics from cam girls. Perhaps they should be told that this is not allowed.

By #88520 at 24,Feb,17 15:10
I don't get why the fakers insists on putting up face pics, it's such a big giveaway that something is fishy. They aren't even trying to be believable

Adult Discussion Forum