| Should members who do not comply with the basic requirements of the showyourcunt/dick be deleted from the site?
I have looked at many members on here and their pics usually reflect the ethos of the site, I have also noticed that certain very vocal members on the site do NOT comply. I see little point in showing pictures of the countryside and buildings on what is supposed to be a site where you post naked pictures of yourself.
My question to all of those members who do not comply is why are you really here, is it that your cunt/dick is not really suitable (to big/to small) or are you just here to create trouble? |
Check it out, chavvy, you've been here since 03,Jul,2015 and you've been steadily running your mouth ever since. What is your interest in being here, are you here just to create trouble?
As for mouthing off... Its very rare for me to read any blog or post on the discussion board without seeing your comments (for points) taking up most of the blog/discussion.
I think your criticism of me is a bit pot calling the kettle black. I also think that as my pics do represent what this site is all about I have the right to use the other parts of the site a little bit more than you do.
BTW: How do you know the date I registered? Don't give to much information away about yourself only admin would know that.
Comply or die
You have the balls, even though the do appear rather useless and small, to criticize me. Yet for the 3 weeks that you've been here, YOU have been involved with gathering subs, why? For points and attention? In the 3 weeks you've been here, YOU have posted posted 5 or 6 blogs, why? For points and attention? In the 3 weeks that you've been here, your posts in the forum are 100% abrasive, yes, even the one you directed toward routemaster, why? For points and attention?
How about this, fu@k you and the horse you rode in on!
I've never been banned by admin for multiple accounts and point gathering and exchange, can you say the same thing?
--------------------------------------- added after 50 minutes
And just because you haven't been deleted doesn't mean you don't do it.
What were you doing on the blogs,ah yes spamming for points...but that was not deemed a violation of site rules.
So get over yourself....enjoy your email exchanges...
And what were you doing with your duplicate account? Ah, yes, need I say more?! GET OVER YOURSELF!
--------------------------------------- added after 51 minutes
I am really surprised that you didn't comment on these blogs..
GET OVER YOURSELF, you strange little man.
Regarding the blogs,just highlighting your issues.
In the cold light of day,you know it is true....so carry on.
So have you asked admin if I only have one account then ? probably not,so stfu then....such a shit stirrer...there's no one left to argue with bella,,,so you are bringing your own paranoia to the fore....
How's the friend farming going, still not a 1000 yet..
Showing you junk is not a pre requisite of this site,even though that's the site primary purpose....
Some post dick pics but only make them available to friends.
Others post pics that aren't even of their own dick.
The bottom line is--if you see a picture of a building and you aren't into beating-off over architecture...move on by. There isn't much point in getting all cranky about it.