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"Women do not masturbate"

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Started by #491031 at 30,Jul,15 19:07
Another member posted that in a thread today.
Care to set the guy straight, Ladies?

Similar topics: 1.Women to C2C with.....   2.Ladies, do you like to masturbate for men to watch?   3.Masturbate-a-Thon   4.How OFTEN do you masturbate?   5.Women who like to watch men masturbate on skype  

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By #358797 at 30,Jul,15 19:43
Bahaha. I fondle myself pretty much every time I shower...also before bed, and sometimes when I'm at work... Or eating lunch in the car... Or because I'm bored... sometimes I get so mad I furiously tickle my lady parts til they quiver so bad I forget that I was angry....
By #491031 at 30,Jul,15 20:42
Gosh! That sounds a lot like masturbation by a woman.
For many of the same reasons a guy does it.
(Though the angry wanking thing sounds a bit dangerous.)
By #358797 at 30,Jul,15 20:52
I was a chronic masturbator when I was younger. The fury fluff is a thing I discovered back then. I have panic disorder, so when I get to the point of losing my marbles, I lock myself in the closet and diddle myself senseless. Then I can't remember why I was pissy, so everything gets better. Lol
By #472683 at 30,Jul,15 21:15
Awwwww. Glad it works! There are certainly worse things.
By #358797 at 30,Jul,15 22:54
I always figured making myself delirious from multiple orgasms was a much better method than bashing my head off a wall
By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 20:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you always orgasm when you fondle yourself, e.g., in the shower?

By #143536 at 14,Aug,15 01:16
Awesome Arexa!!

By #278535 at 13,Aug,15 21:04
I really want to know if my wife masturbate whem she is alone but i know she will not admit it. Any suggesstion pls how can i know this?
By leopoldij at 14,Aug,15 00:33 other posts of leopoldij 
I have a perfect suggestion. Hire me as a spy.
Free of charge.
I'll watch her and if she does it I'll tell you.
(But I'll also fuck her first.)

By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 20:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Some women don't. In the past, doctors used to cure this behavior by offering vibrator treatments to their female patients.
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Oh, if I lived at those times I would have become a medical doctor with gay specialization!

By #57759 at 30,Jul,15 19:12
not all ladies masturbate, that is right, if they speak out you will see
By #491031 at 30,Jul,15 19:25
That's not what you said, Doc.
The entire quote, as you originally posted it, is "women do not masturbate, they had partner for that. "
Presumably, this is the same partner who told them to take off their "panty".
By #57759 at 01,Aug,15 16:29
so these ladies do not have partners?
By #491031 at 01,Aug,15 17:25
Are you suggesting that only men without partners masturbate?
By #57759 at 02,Aug,15 15:33
we are talking about lsdies, can you keep up?
By #491031 at 02,Aug,15 16:48
I certainly can, Doc. Can you?
I was merely making a logical extension based upon your whole "if they have a partner, they don't masturbate" theory.
You seem to be your typical sexist manner... that women only masturbate if they don't have someone to do it for them.
Guys--with and without partners--wank all the time.
Why do you believe that women can only receive pleasure by the hand of another person?
By #57759 at 02,Aug,15 19:39
you have no idea of what I believe, so do not go there, my statement was not an all conclusive, some people masturbate, some do not, some men more than women, some masturbate for the pleasure of their partners and some have their partner masturbate them. And so on.
By #491031 at 02,Aug,15 21:23
You're right, Doc. I DON'T know you. Therefore, I can only go by your words, which were: "women do not masturbate, they had partner for that. " This and other comments you've posted in the past give us a rough idea of what you believe.

Now, going by what you posted, it sure LOOKS like an all inclusive statement.

We don't know the parts you kept in your head and didn't share with us until after the fact. All the things you just added were NOT a part of your original, sexist statement.

By #420420 at 04,Aug,15 01:59
Are you living under a rock, from 1950, when it was a 'horrific' thing for a woman to masturbate, yet some 'Doctors' invented these plug-in devices, basically vibrators, for women to treat what they called 'female hysteria!' The treatment was in a 'doctor's' office with one of these devices, giving her an orgasm, like she should know, and do for herself, but they made it a 'MEDICAL CONDITION!!'
Only two women that I have been with openly shared that they ADORE masturbation, and loved showing me, so I can make them feel more AMAZING when we have sex!! The others all reluctantly admitted it, feeling safe, after a while, telling me on the condition that I wouldn't spank them, like their parents!! Actually, one liked being spanked, but that's another post. . .
What's the BIG DEAL??? They have nice parts and when they discover how they like to be touched, how isn't that GREAT for guys, wanting to love them???
Think it through!! Women masturbating is NOTHING but good!! For them, relaxing, understanding their bodies, and for guys, loving them, wanting to give them more joy!!
By #485312 at 07,Aug,15 09:17
l have a really bad case of hysteria, l truly think its untreatable, or l might need many treatments to cure me *lix*

By #454258 at 03,Aug,15 03:47
As Zone-Tan once said. "shlick to your heart's content."

By #454258 at 02,Aug,15 07:14
everyone masterbates. just some don't want to admit it
By #491615 at 02,Aug,15 18:26
Not sure if that is completely correct statement. Many people chose to not Masturbate and some can't for Medical issues they aren't able to Masturbate. So if You Masturbate and want to say Everyone does because you do then Knock yourself out ..
By #454258 at 03,Aug,15 03:39
you must be fun at parties.

By #485312 at 03,Aug,15 01:22
nope, cant educate idiots *lix*

By #143536 at 01,Aug,15 02:32
I love this thread already!

By #472683 at 30,Jul,15 21:16
When I am at home, I'm almost always playing with myself. I have to remember not to do it in public!
By #491031 at 31,Jul,15 17:50
How do you get anything done around the house?

By t-rex at 01,Aug,15 01:36 other posts of t-rex 
Just let me know where you are going to do it in public

By #491031 at 31,Jul,15 17:50
So far, I am counting three ladies who masturbate, Doc.

By #458576 at 30,Jul,15 23:42
i do
[deleted image]

By #436014 at 30,Jul,15 22:05
women masturbating is hot. masturbation is hot. orgasms are hot.

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