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should it matter?

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Started by #372855 at 02,Aug,15 15:13
Right should it matter if men have small,average,or big cocks? or women have small, big tits? i personally think we all should not care if someone else fem or male are smaller or bigger. should appreciate what we have and enjoy! thanks mike.

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New Comment

By bella! at 02,Aug,15 16:37 other posts of bella! 
Of course we should appreciate who we are and what we have but we are human so it's not always that cut and dry. Example, I have naturally wavy hair and when I was younger, I wanted straight hair. In my adult life, I'm resigned to the fact that my wavy hair has a mind of its own......

Your opinion that we should not care if someone is or isn't "whatever" is idealistic. But being human, I find that I am attracted to what I like. I like dark complected men that are of a thick build. With all honesty, I probably wouldn't give a pasty looking scrawny guy a second glance and he might be a helluva guy. Heck, I've only touched on the outer wrappings.
By #372855 at 02,Aug,15 20:04
your example is right and the fact of life is we are who we are and can change the way we are(if that makes sense) but im in a way thinking that we got given our bodies the way they are so why change ie boob jobs, cock extensions. just be happy with what you got and if a fem or male (either way) is happy with what you do to give them pleasure, that would be best wouldnt it? Mind you most would like to be perfect in every way, and i do see lots on here that think they are perfect, but then look again....... well they are in a certain way. you just wouldnt know.

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