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Does race matter when hooking up?

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Started by Bottimmy at 10,Aug,22 20:49  other posts of Bottimmy
When trying to hook up, does race matter to you or do you just want to meet someone sexy and nice?

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New Comment

By Smoothsilk at 23,Aug,24 01:03 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I will fuck any woman as long as they are Asian.

By PITBULL at 13,Aug,22 12:53 other posts of PITBULL 
I am not racist but I get turned on by cute white guys
By Cody8789 at 26,Apr,24 17:59 other posts of Cody8789 
I prefer little green aliens from mars, they have no gender
By german_guy at 26,Apr,24 21:05 other posts of german_guy 
By PITBULL at 20,Aug,24 00:32 other posts of PITBULL 
you are a clown Cody

By #715400 at 19,Aug,24 20:13
Hell no it doesn't matter to me I am a sissy little faggot I love big black dick Puerto Rican dick Mexican dick

By Jamie at 19,Aug,24 15:19 other posts of Jamie 
Not at all

By wycowboy at 19,Aug,24 14:55 other posts of wycowboy 

By lovetolickyou at 18,Aug,24 19:51 other posts of lovetolickyou 
Race isn't an important factor, but I find the idea of being with someone who's a different race adds to the excitement. I particularly find native women to be really appealing.

By Cody8789 at 17,Aug,24 22:11 other posts of Cody8789 
Yes, who ever gets there first wins the race
By kebmo at 17,Aug,24 23:35 other posts of kebmo 

By Jamie at 17,Aug,24 22:10 other posts of Jamie 
No matter as long I get what I need

By nekekal at 17,Aug,24 21:15 other posts of nekekal 
No. As a black woman once told me. "We are all the same size in the horizontal, and we are all the same color inside". I was just fucking her at the time.

By knewbi at 17,Aug,24 13:40 other posts of knewbi 
Not really. I do find that the sight of a beautiful black cock tends to be more of a turn on for me though.

By #719542 at 17,Aug,24 01:08
Member. wirda is a fake profile that is being run by this man 👇 presenting the profile as female with his revenge porn.

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By #712306 at 27,Apr,24 02:33
HELL doesn't matter...

By #690553 at 22,Apr,24 15:32
Doesn’t matter to me, as long as they fit my criteria

By pifad at 22,Apr,24 13:17 other posts of pifad 
Makes no difference to me

By #711401 at 22,Apr,24 12:49
Not to me - I love cocks of all shapes, sizes, and colours.

By #491031 at 13,Aug,22 17:45
If I have to race for it, I am not interested...

By bella! at 13,Aug,22 15:52 other posts of bella! 
Just my opinion, if it's just a "hook up" why should it matter? Sex is sex, no? My guess is that a person's race would only matter to a true racist.

By leopoldij at 13,Aug,22 00:18 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't care at all. But I have preferences. I prefer black women most. This is because I like dark skin.

By J2Ybarra at 12,Aug,22 22:55 other posts of J2Ybarra 
It's about what excites you...

By Bottimmy at 10,Aug,22 20:51 other posts of Bottimmy 
I personally don't care what their race is. I get excited with black, Asian and Latino men especially.

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