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Do you like see things in guys butts?

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Started by #467958 at 13,Aug,15 09:17
Directed mainly towards the female members, but do you like seeing a guy taking it in the ass. Not necessarily gay sex, but dildos and stuff?

Similar topics: 1.Basic, but fun. Am I weird?   2.Smooth Bubble Butts   3.Sometimes I feel the need to appologize....   4.Who likes bubble butts?   5.Big bubble butts  

New Comment

By heylittleman at 24,Aug,15 10:22 other posts of heylittleman 
I do!

By #485312 at 13,Aug,15 17:33
fuck yeah, my tongue for starters and a few fingers for good luck, followed by any smooth phallic object that will fit...including my fist if theyre really game *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Aug,15 17:39 other posts of leopoldij 
I've always been concerned that if I told a woman I like a finger in my ass that she would kick me instead. But the truth is that I like to stimulate my cock with a secondary anal stimulation, like this

[deleted image]

Hope I'm not freaking you out lix!
By #485312 at 18,Aug,15 11:02
lol, you might freak me out if it was a foot long and 8 inches round, lm not easily scared, then again, ld probably be impressed it you could ...*lix*
By leopoldij at 18,Aug,15 11:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Terribly sorry to disappoint you but I can't (and, to be honest, I won't try either).
By #485312 at 24,Aug,15 08:37
l'll be gentle leo, l wont **** it, you can tap out anytime, but lm sure l could make it a pleasurable experience given enough time *lix*
By leopoldij at 24,Aug,15 08:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Maybe. But I would prefer to use my cock in your pussy or mouth first. Let's not start with advanced stuff.

By #491031 at 13,Aug,15 12:37
Please define "stuff".
Are we talking about old work boots or toasters?
A mongoose, perhaps?
"Stuff" might be way too general of a term...

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