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Started by #491031 at 28,Aug,15 13:38
I am hoping it is "flibbertigibbet".
Mostly because it is such a fun word to say.

Similar topics: 1.Wank Song Game   2.The C word   3.The acronym game. With penis   4.Word Chain Game   5.WORD OF THE DAY.....IN A SONG  

New Comment

By #415959 at 31,Aug,15 22:27
There is simply no word more appropriate that exists.

By #491031 at 31,Aug,15 22:36
FUCKTARD /fək ˈtдrd/ -- noun

a fucking moron

By #491031 at 31,Aug,15 13:59
CONCUPISCENT /kдnˈkyo͞opisənt/ --adjective


PRURIENT /ˈpro͝orēənt/ -- adjective

Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.

By #491031 at 31,Aug,15 03:39

The fear of learning.

BONUS WORD!!!!!!!!


The fear of midgets.
By bella! at 31,Aug,15 03:59 other posts of bella! 
Do you find that you have the latter phobia?

By #491031 at 30,Aug,15 13:15
MISANTHROPIC \mi-sən-ˈthrд-pik\ -- adjective

1. showing contempt or hatred for humankind
2. antisocial

By leopoldij at 29,Aug,15 01:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Let me have my turn in appearing smart (thanks goodle). The word Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon is arguably the sexiest one.
By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 02:18
If you REALLY want to "appear" smart, Leo, give us the definition, pronunciation, and use it correctly in a sentence.
By leopoldij at 29,Aug,15 05:57 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't. Like I said, I copied from Google.
By bella! at 29,Aug,15 15:35 other posts of bella! 
You don't? You're right, you don't!
By leopoldij at 30,Aug,15 09:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Here are some words that I copied from google to make me appear sophisticated /səˈfɪs.tɪ.keɪ.tɪd/:
(I put all the symbols, ʊ,ʃ, ʌ, etc., next to them to make me look I have the credentials.)
blowjob noun /ˈbloʊ.dʒɒb/ (UK) /bləʊ.dʒɑːb/ (US)
cumshot noun /kʌm.ʃɒt/
pauciloquent adjective /pɔːˈsɪləkwiənt/ (UK only)
cynical adjective /ˈsɪn.ɪ.kəl/ (UK and US)

By bella! at 29,Aug,15 15:36 other posts of bella! 
I was hoping to see a NEW WORD OF THE DAY.
By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 17:18
EXIGENT /ˈekzəjənt/ -- adjective

1. demanding
2. requiring immediate action
By bella! at 29,Aug,15 18:10 other posts of bella! 
Oh HELL NO! Are you suggesting my request was exigent?
By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 18:16
Would I do something like that?
By bella! at 29,Aug,15 21:09 other posts of bella! 
You? Never!

By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 20:46
DEFENESTRATION /dēˌfenəˈstrāSHən/ is also a cool sounding word.
I also like the fact that the act of tossing someone out of a window was worthy of a word all its own.
By bella! at 28,Aug,15 21:16 other posts of bella! 
It is a cool word but not as cool sounding as flibbertigibbet. It is interesting that one word can take the place of several. Now this is your challenge, can you use flibbertigibbet and defenestration in one sentence without sounding like a goofball?

I think I suggested this before, you should introduce a new word every day. SYD can be "THE" place to go for titillating pictures as well as "THE" place to learn!

By milesbferry at 28,Aug,15 21:17 other posts of milesbferry 
By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 21:54
Hey! You watch your language, Mister!
By milesbferry at 28,Aug,15 22:09 other posts of milesbferry 
I thought you'd like that one? I hope you'll pronounce it correctly. I can't be bothered to do the IPA stuff
By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 22:16
/ˌseskwəpəˈdālyən/-- adjective

1. polysyllabic, long
2. given to the use of overly long words.
By bella! at 28,Aug,15 22:28 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, I have NEVER been able to figure out how to say things by looking at that.
By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 22:50
Is it the schwa that throws you off?

By milesbferry at 28,Aug,15 22:29 other posts of milesbferry 
Thank you! I do TEFL. So I have no excuse for my laziness. Any more big ones?
By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 22:54
I am also quite fond of COLLOQUIALISM /kəˈlōkwēəˌlizəm/--noun

a local or regional expression. (Usually used in informal speech)

For example:
"Yinz are a buncha jagoffs" is a colloquialism from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Roughly translated, it means:
"You are all idiots"

By bella! at 28,Aug,15 13:51 other posts of bella! 
Flibbertigibbet for $ 200, Alex.

It sounds like a fun word but how would you squeeze that into a casual conversation?
By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 14:21
Trust me.
I can squeeze any word I want to into a conversation.

FLIBBERTIGIBBET /ˈflibərdēˌjibət/--noun
a flighty or excessively talkative person
a gossip

"You shouldn't give much weight to anything a flibbertigibbet says because they are just spreading gossip."
By bella! at 28,Aug,15 15:09 other posts of bella! 
My android phone will "speak" words and flibbertigibbet is definitely a funny sounding word! It seems like it should have been in a Disney song like salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! Flibbertigibbet is magical!

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