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Show It Or Leave?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #406471 at 03,Sep,15 09:45
If u don't show your dick or cunt should u be reprimanded? After all what's the name of the site?

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New Comment

By #494157 at 06,Sep,15 02:40
I tried to become a paying member but I dont have a credit card, so I dont have a choice but to be one of those who you describe as getting a free ride, dont mention the bitcoin method, anyone who is naive to believe that nonsense is going to get a rude awakening. What has Yamihere's question got to do with being a paid up member. I believe the question was should people be reprimanded for not showing their privates. There is no reason why he should be spoken to in such an insulting manner. Infact I would have expected premium members as yourself to have set an example by showing respect to All the sites users whether paying members or just curious visitors, No one is going to consider upgrading to a premium member if they are going to be spoken to in such a belittling and patronising way. Whatsmore this is a discussion forum where anyone is invited to voice their opinion on the chosen subject giving the discussion members the opportunity to have an orderly and mature debate as to those points of view raised. As to the question raised by yamihere. My opinion is that it should be down to each individuals discretion to decide if they wish to show themselves or not. There are members on this site whose personal circumstances make showing pictures of them naked or of their face a risky consideration which could leave them very seriously compromised or worst still wide open as they could find themselves personally under threat to crimes such as blackmail etc. I happen to know one member that falls into the category of person who has more to lose than the rest of us. It should be down to that individual and we should respect that persons wishes instead some of the bullying tactics Ive seen from some selfish members, who are concerned with only one thing. We should all respect one anothers wishes on the site.After all it could happen to any one of us ?
By spermkiss at 07,Sep,15 00:08 other posts of spermkiss 
As to why I do not post photos, see my Blog for a discussion of this.

He IS suggesting how the site operates (reprimand members who do not post photos) and yet he is not contributing to its operation. In real life things just do not work that way. He who pays the piper gets to name the tune.

By spermkiss at 03,Sep,15 21:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, Mr yamihere, what kind of reprimand would you like?

Please note the little icon next to my name. It means that I am paying a modest monthly fee for my membership. Do you think that the site administrator is operating this site as a philanthropic gift to mankind? The advertisers and we paying members are what keeps this site going and YOU are getting a FREE RIDE.

So shut up or put something on the bar besides your elbows.
By #491031 at 03,Sep,15 22:19

By #147052 at 03,Sep,15 14:55
This site is about personal choices and lifestyles. If you want to play net nanny then seek another site by all means. You are beginning to sound like the repuglican party in America.

By leopoldij at 03,Sep,15 11:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, for sure. You should be forced to pay a hefty fine.

Adult Discussion Forum