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EU Referendum

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Started by #443664 at 10,Sep,15 19:20
Mainly to the Brits here, but others can comment too, where do you stand on the UK EU referendum, do you want us to remain in or get out ASAP?


New Comment

By #493135 at 15,Sep,15 20:41
I think people who will vote to leave are living in the past. Britain isn't a world power as it used to be, and ultimately we need to develop links with Europe and the E.U rather than sit out. I'm not saying we give it a free pass to do whatever it likes, and I certainly have my grievances with it, but it is going to be a major influence in our politics for hundreds of years regardless of what we do, and so I think it the only option to stay in and continue to be a part of a vibrant and prosperous Europe. I do wish the E.U was better at helping refugees though. The 'look after our own'/'country is full' attitude that lots of Mail readers have really annoys me

By #6568 at 15,Sep,15 15:52
interesting posscipt to this....

This morning my near neighbour took delivery of his new jaguar which had a new number plate featuring the Euro flag (blue ground with ring of gold stars...just teh sort of fatuous pompous symbol that the EU would have!)....

Around lunch time I saw the new Jaguar draw up outside and noticed that it now had a plain index plate. I asked my neighbour about this as I was unsure if I imagined it. He told me that he had just been to have the plate changed as "...I bought the car with my own bloody money despite fucking Europe and I'll be buggered if it's going to have their badge on it!"......

By #6568 at 12,Sep,15 07:33
when it was first set out in 1965, or thereabouts, we were already in EFTA (European free trade assoc)which had mainly Scandinavian countries....Britain is not actually part of either Europe proper or Scand. but is more related to Scand. as we have a large percentage of Viking heritage and thus culture and mindset..... EFTA countries have done rather well...much better than in EU but we were forced to give up membership...

When the EU started is was known in UK as 'The Common Market'. It was only about trade and the real pupose and plan was never hinted at to the British public. For a long period the 'De Gaul government in France prevented British membership.....De Gaul himself was rabidly anti-British and became a 'boggyman' for British people. Becasue of this basic 'French/British' squabble the politicians found it easy to persuade the public that 'The Market' offered increased prosperity and should be striven for by all Brits.

All political parties in UK advocated the 'Market' as teh way forward and we were duly 'joined'. Only after this was there the one ond only public referendam and, not surprisingly, it was a 'yes',...although there were many detractors who pointed out flaws such as teh poor wording of the various conditions and laws that would potentially allow future changes that would not be so desirable, but this was put to scorn by politicians.

Once the public had said 'YES'several things began to emerge;....we would not be full members for some time until we had become truly 'European'...and, the 'scheme' went much, much further than a mere commercial affiliation like EFTA had been.

When the true scale of 'Europeanisation' became apparent everyone became more than a little alarmed....after all, these were the very same 'foreigners' that had caused us so much pain and grief for two thousand years, andn now they demaded we should be like them to be 'in the club'....

What followed next has been nothing short of a concerted attempt to destroy British culture and way of began with complete change to our currency...the actual coins in our pockets under the premise that 'Europeans would not be able to work it out as they only think in tens'....and alot of other complete bullshit about every trade and industry...every dimension of every British made product had a need to be changed into a Europe friendly one. The actual purpose, now admitted, was to destroy as much of our culture as possible so that we would somehow embrace Europe as the best alternative. Brussels now became teh centre of our world along with increasingly bizarre and forceful dictates, each of which altered or eliminated part of British life and culture.....many Britsh institutions were placed outside the law...500 of our vegetables for instance, were made an offence to own in one dictate!! When it was pointed out to Brussels that these included the lettuces carried by The Crusaders and herbs grown by the Saxons this counted for nothing. 'Europe' invaded every tiny crevice of our lives and we now learned that this was to be enforced by huge lists of new laws backed up by international treaties that would turn us magically into full 'Europeans'. We were informed that there was now no going back and any resistance was pointless as the treaties had become irrevocable laws of the land.

Gradually (and sometimes NOT so gradually!) the full horror has come out along with the madness of the original perpetrators......All countries must be equal whatever the cost...unless you're in France or Germany.

all farms and farmers must be equal and the same especially in France.....this has resulted in the 'Common Agricultural Policy' in which arable farms must produce pointless crops ion order to gain their 'subsidy'...any small farms which produce 'niche products' are to be left to their own devices and forced out of business so that their land can be used for oil seed r a p e growing, and thus earn a pointless subsidy. No farmer can object becasue he would lose his subsidy and anyway, it works well for the French.

millions of acres are given over to completely pointless crops such as oil seed r a p e and over production is a neccessity. this massive surplus is built up in 'butter mountains' and 'wine lakes' or sometimes sent to Africa as a gesture while 150,000 British kids are thought to be below the 'poverty line' and go out in the morning with no breakfast.....

...Does anyone want me to go on?...Bella?
By botanic at 12,Sep,15 08:30 other posts of botanic 
very well put old bugle , I am starting to think you are Nigel Farage !

By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 12:06 other posts of leopoldij 
Well, Britain had an empire that was lost. Lament as much as you wish, but the degradation of the social structure in the UK is partly due to the huge problems from within. With hindsight, you wouldn't want to be together with Scandinavia. Even if you were, you wouldn't want to be with Sweden that is also facing tremendous problems. Perhaps with Norway, but it's not clear that Norway would want you: they have money; you don't. Norway doesn't even want Sweden. UK is playing as if it's an American state. But Americans don't care about the UK. Only when they help then with wars. True, the European partnership is in deep trouble. But the alternatives you're dreaming of could lead to worse troubles you see... You can keep dreaming of the "alternative" solution, but that's a dream. In reality, UK should develop work ethics, for instance, from within. Ask the millions of losers who live in social houses provided to then for free by your government to go to work. They don't want to. Rather, they breed like rabbits, starting having **** at the age of 13. Their **** never work either and that's OK according to your laws. They are below poverty line because they were never forced to work.
--------------------------------------- added after 37 seconds

**** = chil.dren
By botanic at 12,Sep,15 18:26 other posts of botanic 
Very good points Leo . In the UK those that are well educated work tend to have fewer **** ( and have them later ) , those that dont work begin to have **** earlier and have more of them . Thus the low achievers are rapidly outnumbering the workers , and so the demise of Britain is sealed as fewer and fewer are forced to support more and more. The influx of migrants whether EU or not , is largely an irrelevance when compared to this .
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 23:21 other posts of leopoldij 
The immigration problem, and it is a problem, could have been predicted and prevented. Going back several decades ago, Britain knew that the ad hoc division of tribal Arab states and the creation of artificial boundaries wouldn't work. But they did it. Going back a little while ago, Blair knew very well that helping Americans achieve their goals would destabilize the artificially created nations and would cause the current situation. But he didn't care. He made his money. A great nation, and I mean that, like Britain, has to act for the present and not constantly rely on past glories which, concretely, have provided the British people with a lot of roads, buildings, bridges, railways , technology, etc. The fact that there is free housing for the parasitic elements of British society is because the British Empire built a lot. There wouldn't have been any if these elements lived, say, in northern Greenland. They could very well do the work that, e.g., the Polish immigrants do, and rather well, for many years now in the UK. But what are the incentives thar the government gives them? Nil. They ****, eat, fuck and breed. And they don't have to pay anything.
By botanic at 13,Sep,15 19:53 other posts of botanic 
yes , sadly you are spot on in this instance leopold .
By leopoldij at 13,Sep,15 22:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Common observations. Europe is gone to the dogs.

By bella! at 12,Sep,15 18:08 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, oldbugle and botanic, thank you!
By botanic at 12,Sep,15 18:20 other posts of botanic 
My pleasure Bella .

By #485312 at 11,Sep,15 08:08
this gets discussed in Australia too, ld rather remain in, because in a hundred years, we might need to have friends on all sides of the world..theres strength in numbers and we don't know where the world will be in the of to have plenty of mates from all nations *lix*
By #23212 at 13,Sep,15 05:44
You'd "rather remain in" what? Since neither you personally nor more likely you meant your country, Australia, is "in" the EU, nor likely ever will be, what are you referring to?

By #6568 at 11,Sep,15 18:30
Being as were tricked into a 'union' that was entirely unnatural, fraudulent, manifestly dishonest and also completely undemocratic I would say we need to be released from the evil as soon as possible but there are powerful people with their own indeed there were that got us into the farce in the first place........

.......Even some of the main plotters such as Edward Heath later admitted that they could not dare to tell the truth about what was planned because the British public would have been so angry that the 'scheme' would have died instantly.

Ever since we have been coerced and lied to so that we keep passive and don't rebel while watching how the 'union' can NEVER be made to work. We are NOT European and never have been or ever will be...We are BRITISH! It's cost us billions so that other countries such as Eire can get money out.....for every pound we are robbed of Eire gets a pound...and that's but one tiny stupidity in a long horrible travesty.

It is black comedy the way that politicians mumble about the EU......If they went on the street they would find that just about ALL indigenous Britons are SICK of ploliticians and profoundly SICK of the bloody EU!
By bella! at 11,Sep,15 19:00 other posts of bella! 
I understand that the European Union primarily focused on commerce between the countries that are members, did away with passports so that "you" are free to travel from country to country and it was the European Union that adopted the euro as the standard form of currency.

Would you be kind enough to explain how it negatively impacts Great Britain and how the European Union was originally presented, you state you were tricked and how you feel it is unnatural. Thank you for your anticipated response.
By botanic at 11,Sep,15 22:54 other posts of botanic 
we were not tricked , there was a free referendum and the majority voted in favour of it . As a commercial union for trade it works very well and has benefitted trade enormously . However what most Brits object to is the plethora of social and legal stuff which has crept in in the name of regularising law throughout member states to the extent that Britain feels as though it is no longer in charge of its own destiny. If we could stick to the trade alliance and drop the rest then most people would go along with it.
By bella! at 12,Sep,15 01:20 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your response, botanic.

How is it that the British people do not feel that Great Britain is in charge of their destiny? What are some of the "social and legal stuff" that's crept in that is objectionable?
By botanic at 12,Sep,15 08:24 other posts of botanic 
well by being a member of the EU , we are obliged to comply with Europe wide laws , for example having no say in who enters the country and lives here and uses our free health system, social security and social housing facilities ... PROVIDED of course that they are citizens of EU member states. It also obliges us to give preference to EU countries commercially rather than to seek world trade agreements . It also has a policy of regularising laws throughout member states , so the UK finds itself having to alter UK law to comply , instead of our politicians deciding the law of the land, EU politicians decide them for us .

By leopoldij at 11,Sep,15 23:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't worry. Sooner or later there won't be any countries. There will be corporations ruling you and you may have no choice whether to work for coca cola or Microsoft.
By #412997 at 12,Sep,15 02:01
My guess it has deeper feelings with the onslaught of migrants entering the country in GB, much like OZ. The rent'a'crowd and hairy arm pit brigade want them here in the country and will stop at nothing in acheiving that. Once in and settled, they take the jobs by working for next to nothing, get into parliment and change the laws to suit their own needs. Class example of that is the recent local council member in Sydney who closed off a whole street for his wedding, threatening house holders with removal of their cars if they parked them in the street outside of their homes. Read between the lines, it is happening all over the world.
By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 08:03 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 12,Sep,15 08:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Idon't understand the expression " The rent'a'crowd and hairy arm pit brigade" . You're probably using colloquialisms from your part of the world, but I have no way of understanding them. Honestly.

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