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Is saying that you think your gf is hot and has a nice juicy ass disrespectful?

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Started by #487013 at 19,Oct,15 06:57
We share a profile and initialy it was her that logged in and made a few friends. Now that shes lost interest I mainly use the site and I get messages asking for her and people clam up with me and are pretty rude. I posted some new pics that we took when both drunk shes shy about people seeing us have sex with good reason and id never show her face or anything she isnt comfortable with she knew about the pics and was okay with them being posed she is a bit insecure about her body and I thought it would eb a good way to show her shes sexy and desirable. Anyway one of her so called friends left comments saying my cock looks red and diseased and my comments about ehr being shy and us being drunk disrespectful all i said is her ass is firm and juicy thats not bad I love it and her. I dont get how thats so wrong.

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By #491031 at 19,Oct,15 17:17
The lady has the right to show just as much as she wishes, and folks who complain or demand more should go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
If SHE doesn't mind you bragging about her assets, then the complainers can shove the same rolling donut (with sprinkles!) up their yammering bung-holes.

By #487013 at 19,Oct,15 06:57
my phone sucks and I **** typing if I was an asshole id have pics showing everything but im not and I get asked constantly for full body pics of us having sex and her face on here
By mr_blue at 19,Oct,15 07:40 other posts of mr_blue 
Tell 'em to fuck post what you are comfortable posting

Adult Discussion Forum