Started by #569341 at 16,Oct,18 12:37
Similar topics: 1.Shemales/Transexuals 2.MEGA posters 3.Leaving a "Public Message" on members pages 4.Public message 5.GAME: Say something good about the previous posters picture New CommentComments: |
I'm not going to stand for that when it's a friend of mine; and, i probably won't even stand for it isn't a friend (female/male/couple). So be warned!
The scumbag's profile name is "IamwhoIam"...and one look at his page suggests that he's not a first offender.
If you want to fight or be a cockhead to anyone on the site - come and try me first (:
I am a known quantity on this site.. but I don't attack our ladies or anyone for that matter, unless ordered to do so...
He left some stupid comments on the one pic I posted about Columbus Day as well.
And on another note, you're far too sweet to me.
I’ve never had any contact w him either so why he felt it necessary to say such a thing is beyond me.
It must be hard being gawd's gift to wimmen...
--------------------------------------- added after 10 seconds
The little bitch (homophobe too - i just wanted to PM him and tell him to watch it instead of post on his wall; but he only accepts female messages). Posted 2 pathetic messages on my page "shut your stupid ass up" lol. What lol? Then he blacklisted me, went off-line and then posted an anonymous message on my wall.
I'm going to talk for Dev here as well as me: "IamwhoIam" we will both pay for you to catch a flight to Australia and we'll show you some sites, buddy
1. Having never met your ass, how is he in a position to judge its relative intelligence?
2. If you shut your ass up, how will you poop?
There are many assholes around, many trolls, many nasty ones.
I suggest not only shaming them here, as you propose,
but also take the initiative to write to them and then report on this page.
For example,
Dear Mr [troll], we realized that you said [....] about [....] on this occasion [....] Your behavior is not acceptable and we won't tolerate it further [....]
Something like that.
Do you agree?
I'm far from the boss though - everyone should deal with these people as they personally see fit (:
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--------------------------------------- added after 39 hours
Seriously, Body Count are far from my fave band (i do like them though); but this film clip illustrates exactly what i want to do to worms like this...(with the picture titled "Any Boxers / Ex-Boxers / Boxing Fans?" on my page)
Is it ok?