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Started by #506141 at 29,Jan,16 08:02
super horny with big loads, willing to cam for you (cam only from my side if you wish). send me your photos and watch me cover them online with a big load


or maybe if you are into cum control... hit me

Similar topics: 1.Tribute to my wife   2.tribute photos   3.TRIBUTE PIC   4.tribute for pics   5.Hello there ladies! Any of you wanna do/try tribute pictures for us guys?  

New Comment

By bella! at 30,Jan,16 06:49 other posts of bella! 
The King of Creep, JohnS giving another member tips on how not to appear creepy. Priceless!

Hey, JohnS, there you go, you can be known as the King of Creep 👑👑
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

JohnS, you're so peculiar and creepy. Don't you realize that when you blacklist me, you are unable to read my posts?
By mr_blue at 30,Jan,16 14:59 other posts of mr_blue 
You know he reads the forum without being logged in don't you ?

He watches the site all the can tell...cuz after someone posts something and that person is in his shit list,he logs on....probably to have a moan about it to anyone here who still listens to him...

Here is who John reminds me of....
[deleted image]
By bella! at 30,Jan,16 15:36 other posts of bella! 
Yes, I am aware that there are ways around but what I don't understand is WHY. I mean, the guy is straight up weird! In one thread he says this;

"Dearest Bella. You just cannot help yourself, no matter what I say or write you find it necessary to have your pointless say. 

Anyway you are now banned along with the other twits so you are now out of sight and out of mind."

Okay, what have I missed? WHO cannot help themself? WHO found it necessary to have their pointless say? And how can the 7 "twits" that you've blacklisted really be "out of sight and out of mind" if you're constantly reading and responding to their posts? Wake up, old man, you're fricken weird!

Here's another one of your well thought out posts;

"Without doubt the two "moral guardians" will find it necessary to have their obligatory self-elevating comments seeing I have forwarded an opinion."

What have I missed, WHO really is the member that is the "moral guardian" of the site and WHO is the member that really posts "obligatory self-elevating comments"?

By bella! at 30,Jan,16 15:51 other posts of bella! 
That kinda looks like JohnS except you need to swap out the top hat for a scarf and remove the clothing so we can have full benefit of his small, uh, erm, mind!

By bella! at 20,Feb,16 19:40 other posts of bella! 
Speaking of typical and stupid, look who found this thread after only 3 weeks! Yep, it was none other than the Australian Asshat, himself! You got to give King Creepy and his only friends, Huey, Dewey and Louie, props for sniffing this out! It might take the old fart a bit longer to find things, post his retort and vote it down, but he gets the job done!

I'm sure he was referring to me as being "stupid" but can someone please explain to me how he is able to see and respond to my posts after he has blacklisted me?
By mr_blue at 20,Feb,16 21:03 other posts of mr_blue 
Gotta love it when a newbie makes votes on comments too....

He was calling me stupid as he unbanned me just to post on my comment(again)

He thinks you are stupid too,just like anyone who disagrees with him....

@John,how the's fake making ,err ,I mean hunting going for you these days ?
By bella! at 20,Feb,16 21:16 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I hadn't even noticed that his new friends, members of less than 12 weeks, had down voted our posts. Literacy is a not up to par in the States, maybe they are unable to read or write but recognized that picture to be of JohnS and anticipated the worst.
By mr_blue at 20,Feb,16 21:43 other posts of mr_blue 
I just think it's funny, he should just pm me and say what he needs to say instead of calling me any by name that suits him...he's still using members real names too..
By bella! at 20,Feb,16 21:49 other posts of bella! 
I can't say that I've noticed him using members real names in the public forum. It must be something that he does in those esoteric private conversations that he's known for.
By mr_blue at 20,Feb,16 21:52 other posts of mr_blue 
It's down to the member whose name has been used to say something about it...

By #358797 at 20,Feb,16 21:52
He's done it plenty of times. He's called me by my real name (which was kindly deleted by admin upon request) on the forum, along with others, past and present.
By bella! at 20,Feb,16 22:04 other posts of bella! 
Yes, I recall he has used your name in the forum and prior to the time that he decided he couldn't rile me up because of a private group that spoke about him, he even went as far as sharing your surname with me. I'm not sure why anyone has ever trusted that shit stirring old douche bag or why he is not reprimanded for posting personal information in the public forum.
By #358797 at 20,Feb,16 22:08
Doesn't surprise me he did that... That's what I get for being stupid and giving him my email when I was a newb...
By bella! at 20,Feb,16 22:15 other posts of bella! 
What I found alarming is that your name was so casually used. My guess is that it was something related to what he had to say about S.A.S.. I do hope that members take heed and don't share anything with JohnS as he is NOT to be trusted.
By #358797 at 20,Feb,16 22:25
Haha. I hope so too.
I guess it's a good thing I haven't updated my address for the last 5+ years and that all my social networking profiles are set to private. Lmao.

And he probably used it so casually cuz he's used to doing it without consequence...
By bella! at 20,Feb,16 22:58 other posts of bella! 
My point being was that your name had nothing to do with anything he had to say about anything.
By #358797 at 20,Feb,16 23:03
He probably threw it out there just to do it, which is fucked up.
Sad he doesn't have any shame in doing such things...

By bella! at 25,Feb,16 23:46 other posts of bella! 
Isn't it peculiar that I posted my thoughts and a little contest in the RANDOM BULLSHIT..... thread and it is now POOF!, gone!?

I saw a post made by you-know-who, who was concerned about the "embarrassment to all we Australians" that he felt because of an artist who paints using his penis. you-know-who's post was short and went on to say that the "64 years old Mr. Patch should reconsider his fashion choices especially the absurd hat".

I found the entire post funny and made it into a contest, my question to the membership was who made the post. There was only one response and it was correct.

C'mon, the artist was called out for painting with his penis and wearing what was perceieved to be a fashion faux pas, an "absurd hat"! Strange thing is, you-know-who wears a doo-rag on his head.

So it didn't end with just my post being deleted, the member who posted the correct response received the following ANONYMOUS message;

anonymous wroteFeb 25, 09:57):

At least my bandana does not look as hideous as all the rings of your dick.

Apparently, you-know-who, not only invests much of his time hunting for fakes but does monitor what is said without being logged in otherwise how is he able to see what is said and have it deleted since he blacklisted me!?

Here's you-know-who's final response to the matter once he had the the post deleted;

Dear *****.

If you click on the link I sent you it will take you to another discussion where two leading premium members who should be setting an example to the membership twist the above comments and launch into yet another ridiculous attempt to embarrass me and have the usual shot at Australia. 
One comment about my bandanna is particularly silly.

It's sad that you-know-who perception of other members comments as being "silly" yet he gets his knickers in a knot when members call his comments as racist, sexist OR just plain dumb!

To admin, if you are going to allow you-know-who to post his thoughts on various matters, you should at least allow members an avenue to respond without those responses or posts being deleted. Thank you.

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