| I'm kind of curious about how people on this site think about showing your face on nude pictures? how big is the chance you will get recognized by someone you know, and even then, would it be so bad to have someone you know see your nude photo's? I mean, he/she will have their own needings too aparently for visiting this site anyway...
Personally I have no more problems with showing my face on nude photo's, in worst case it would be seen by maybe one person you know and know's you, well so be it... I still have the feeling of anonymousity, because a face only tells how you look, and the people who don't know me personality , still won't know my real name or stuff like that :p and I would like to keep it that way, so my question is kinda simple; is it safe to show your face on nude pictures? is there any possibility that your photo's will end up on more/different sites that I don't know of?
right below a few of my photo's; totally recognizable as you can see
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I think so.
here is my dick and face exposed....lol..
If someone who knew me IRL saw my profile I mean there’s no doubt it’s me (face, tats, etc)
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I know people who lost their jobs as a result of being identified on a site like this and having their images reported to their employer. So it does happen.
We don't know who looks at these siites maybe your father in law or a friend of your wife. So posting while married or indeed in serious relationship has a risk - albeit small.
I no longer work and I am no longer married yet still I do not post my face or any identifiable backgrounds. that is just me though.
If people want to post their face salute them but hipe that they have considered the potential risks, and if they have Bravo for them