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recognizable on your photo's; yes or no?

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Started by #475240 at 07,Feb,16 06:21
I'm kind of curious about how people on this site think about showing your face on nude pictures? how big is the chance you will get recognized by someone you know, and even then, would it be so bad to have someone you know see your nude photo's? I mean, he/she will have their own needings too aparently for visiting this site anyway...

Personally I have no more problems with showing my face on nude photo's, in worst case it would be seen by maybe one person you know and know's you, well so be it... I still have the feeling of anonymousity, because a face only tells how you look, and the people who don't know me personality , still won't know my real name or stuff like that :p and I would like to keep it that way, so my question is kinda simple; is it safe to show your face on nude pictures? is there any possibility that your photo's will end up on more/different sites that I don't know of?

right below a few of my photo's; totally recognizable as you can see

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Similar topics: 1."No photo" mode....   2.What type of pictures/videos turns you on the most??   3.Cock photo contest !   4.Sexy challenges   5.What makes a great pic?  

New Comment

By DirtyDesco at 25,Nov,24 03:57 other posts of DirtyDesco 
I used to be cautious about never taking nudes with my face visible, but at a certain point I stopped caring. Everyone who knows me irl already knows I'm a slut anyway. I just hope my grandpa doesn't know about this website. 💀

By Nel61 at 21,Nov,24 21:18 other posts of Nel61 

I think so.

By wycowboy at 29,Apr,24 13:36 other posts of wycowboy 
No, I am not, I live in a small town and am petty well known due to my years selling auto parts here. I don't care if I am recognized but sure as hell word would get around and someone would tell my wife. That's when the trouble would start so I do not show my face.

By Greenman1968 at 29,Apr,24 13:24 other posts of Greenman1968 
If it was a private post to someone, maybe. It would depend whether there were a possibility of meeting face to face.

By #711401 at 29,Apr,24 11:21
I have no problem being naked in front of other people in person, but after bad experiences on another site, I'm very reticent about putting my pictures online. If any, they'd have to be from when I was a lot younger, not to be recognised - I've changed a lot in forty years!

By MilaBoobs at 29,Apr,24 00:38 other posts of MilaBoobs 

By probowler298 at 28,Apr,24 19:05 other posts of probowler298 

here is my dick and face

By uncut93 at 13,Apr,24 18:44 other posts of uncut93 
Part of the thrill and fun for me, plus pics with face are way hotter!

If someone who knew me IRL saw my profile I mean there’s no doubt it’s me (face, tats, etc)

By bostonspdo at 21,Apr,23 13:15 other posts of bostonspdo 
I agree with the original post. To answer the questions, it is safer than you think to post naked with face photos. In 15+ years posting face/cock photos only one stranger, no acquaintances, has recognized me. Second, your photos will end up on other sites. How many sites depends on how "hot" you are.

By MilaBoobs at 07,Nov,22 22:29 other posts of MilaBoobs 
i show my entire body with face on my page, most men like to see it all
By massco at 11,Apr,23 22:00 other posts of massco 
Yeah but you’re gorgeous. Some of us not so much.
By MilaBoobs at 12,Apr,23 11:35 other posts of MilaBoobs 
ty xxxx

By probowler298 at 11,Apr,23 22:51 other posts of probowler298 
We thank you for showing it all.
By MilaBoobs at 12,Apr,23 11:35 other posts of MilaBoobs 
i thank you for watching xxx

By #550119 at 17,Feb,19 10:01
By probowler298 at 31,Mar,23 23:00 other posts of probowler298 
Me too

By probowler298 at 11,Apr,23 16:01 other posts of probowler298 
Yes The only way to do it right?

By #275407 at 01,Apr,23 00:23
It's not about people you know seeing you naked, it's more about future jobs finding pictures that might keep you from getting a good job, yes, many companies search the Internet and Facebook to see what might be floating out there, and yes, few companies have found negative material that might hurt you.

By probowler298 at 31,Mar,23 23:03 other posts of probowler298 
I love to pose naked and show face and dick.

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 14:09
It's a decision I made when I was 18 - if anyone I know sees my pics, it's obviously because at some level, they wanted to see them.

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By #660342 at 07,Nov,22 22:25
I show my face. Beauty is in the face the face will make or break the idea of going to bed with somebody or not.

By #642345 at 20,Sep,21 05:31
I have posted pics with my face on many sites over the years and have not had anything bad happen. I personally get excited at the thought someone might recognize me. You can count on your photos ending up on other sites, that's part of the fun! I always get turned on seeing my photos have been reposted somewhere.

[deleted image]

By wycowboy at 17,Feb,19 22:50 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't care if I am recognized and, since I live in a small town, the chance of it is somewhat high.

By toohey at 17,Feb,19 17:19 other posts of toohey 
I have considered the pros and cons, and I'm happy to be fully recognizable.

By Andthisisme at 17,Feb,19 11:43 other posts of Andthisisme 
Whether you choose to show your face will depend upon your type of work - for example working with under 18s - and your personal relationship situation- for eample married and your partner not knowing you are posting such images.
I know people who lost their jobs as a result of being identified on a site like this and having their images reported to their employer. So it does happen.
We don't know who looks at these siites maybe your father in law or a friend of your wife. So posting while married or indeed in serious relationship has a risk - albeit small.

I no longer work and I am no longer married yet still I do not post my face or any identifiable backgrounds. that is just me though.

If people want to post their face salute them but hipe that they have considered the potential risks, and if they have Bravo for them

By #423426 at 03,Feb,18 12:35
I think I'm just about recognisable on here. [deleted image]

By #504416 at 09,Feb,16 03:09
I hope someone does recognize me!
By #485312 at 18,Feb,16 09:17
Thats the spirit and enjoy your five minutes of fame *lix*

By #481583 at 09,Feb,16 16:07
I totally agree with you!

By spermkiss at 09,Feb,16 06:22 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, you gotta think that anything you post anywhere on the internet has the potential to live forever. There is nothing to stop someone from downloading your photos and keeping them or reposting them somewhere else. so, yes, your photos could very well end up on other sites.

By #485312 at 07,Feb,16 07:35
lm sure your friends probably know youre hard wired horny, lve shown my face on sites for many years and never been confronted by any one, l thought once l might of recognised a dude, but like you said, we're all here for the same reasons, just showing your sexy, unless you want to be president or prime minister, l don't think its going to effect your life in a bad way, so youre human and like to be naked! its not a sin l don't think *lix*

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