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"No GAY Comments"

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #491031 at 07,Apr,16 22:47
For members who get all queasy in their tummy when they receive a compliment on their dick pics from a guy, you can go here:


and change the settings on your profile to block comments from all male site members.
That way, you don't accidentally get any "gay" on you.
It can't help you with male members who PRETEND to be women, though. You'll have to block the ladies, too, to prevent sneaky folks from gaying up your pics.

Similar topics: 1.Negative Anonymous Comments   2.cruel comments on rowina's pictures   3.Let's exchange comments? I make comments on your picture, and you mine!   4.Comments and Responses - Too few of each.   5.Comments not showing?  

New Comment

By #506719 at 13,Apr,16 11:38
I always appreciate a nice comment.

By #201583 at 10,Apr,16 19:05
How appalling...a man commenting other men's cocks. That's just wrong! Do you think this site is named Show Your Dick? Now I won't be able to s-l-e-e-p tonight. Those dangerous Rainbow Warriors constantly spreading their happiness. Too many positive comments will turn a fellow gay. I know this to be true. A bunch of highly intelligent idiots say, "gay is a choice, and can be contagious through pure pressure." If a gay peppers a straight guy with positive complements that poor fellow would dump his girlfriend and run out and deep throat the first guy he finds.
By bella! at 10,Apr,16 19:22 other posts of bella! 
Truer words were ne'er spoken!

I mean the part about a gay guy tossing compliments to a straight guy! Everyone knows when that happens, the straight guy is going to deep throat the very next guy. I'm not sure what the conditions or restrictions pertain to that "next guy". Does he have to be straight or gay?
By #201583 at 10,Apr,16 19:54
Well according to leading homophobic straight men a straight guy isn't attracted to men. However, if you toss a straight and a gay in the closet and locked them in. An independent study conducted by yours truly, has confirmed that a straightsexual will become aroused enough to deflect a bullet with his penis and fully engage in anal intercourse and blast a wad well over 3 feet and not become gay. LMAO. Somehow those straightsexuals are immune to the Rainbow virus. If we could just formulate a vaccine we might just be able to transition into straightsexuals. 90% of all the action I get is from straight dudes, a.k.a. Straightsexuals. Us gays don't turn them on...
By mr_blue at 10,Apr,16 20:06 other posts of mr_blue 
They're not straight then,are they !?...
By #201583 at 10,Apr,16 20:24
By definition they are bisexual. However, they refuse to accept that fact. They think they will lose masculinity and manly respect. Some guys change the definition to avoid the Rainbow..."I only like cock pictures," "I only receive blowjobs," "I only receive hand jobs," "I can bang them, but never kiss them." They are a few thoughts of many straightsexuals. Unbeknownst to them that a true straight man couldn't get hard at the sight of a penis or male physique, or engage in any sexual activities evolving another man.
By JeffinKS at 11,Apr,16 12:13 other posts of JeffinKS 
my experience with strasightsexuals has been slightly different. at a local gym I used to go to, I was hit on by straight guys.. wanting to suck my cock! however they would NOT let me touch their "junk" as that was for their wife... if they let me suck their cock it would make them gay.... you can't make this stuff up...
By mr_blue at 11,Apr,16 18:08 other posts of mr_blue 
Did you ever point out to them that they are not straight ?..
By #201583 at 12,Apr,16 08:13
Some start to get physically pushy and violent when you point that fact out. Then they usually have an epiphany when you push them back. They realize that they aren't as masculine as they thought, turn tale, run, and then delete their profile. True Story. There has been a few times I have been verbally threatened by guys that have put up the "single bisexual" status on their profiles. Later after we met and gave the Fuckers 2 to 3 blowjobs and I asked for a turn they would say, "I'm married and straight." I automatically get pissed because they are married. Then I get even more pissed when they say that they are straight when I just blew them. So, I would try and tell them they aren't straight. I have had "single" straightsexuals ask me if they paid me would I teach their wife how to give head. Thanks to a large gay pride tattoo I have had several married straight guys hit me up in the locker room at the Y, then at 2 other gyms. Then you see them swimming with their significant other and offspring. I have even had to physically push a married straight guy out of the gym shower. He didn't like being told no. He stopped after I threatened to tell his wife. So, there are 2 things I don't do anymore: I will never go back to the gym, and I deleted all of my profiles on the popular gay dating sites. Damn straightsexuals...

By #485312 at 11,Apr,16 09:51
dudes are so giving, not like the ladies, they don't comment on other womens shots usually...unless they are gay, bi inclined or speaking for their hubbies...which l don't mind at all *lix*

By bella! at 08,Apr,16 00:46 other posts of bella! 
Ah, you saw that member's blog, too.
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 02:50
I did. It isn't the first of its kind, nor will it be the last. Just thought I'd do my part to help those folks out...
By bella! at 08,Apr,16 03:01 other posts of bella! 
Oh, like a PSA?
By JeffinKS at 08,Apr,16 11:58 other posts of JeffinKS 
the more you know.....

By #460385 at 08,Apr,16 12:09
Hell I'm not gay, but if it were not for the male and gay members I would never get a view or compliment on here. Tell whomever this post was about he will have a lonely time on this site if he is waiting for the girls to chat with him.
By bella! at 08,Apr,16 12:37 other posts of bella! 
I know, I know......

But in the event that someone is waiting on a lady to leave a none gay comment, JustWill has cautioned him about the dreaded male members who PRETEND to be women. His suggestion to block comments from the ladies, too, is well thought out! That way you can absolutely prevent the sneaky SYD folks from gaying up your pics with gay comments!

JustWill is so logical!
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:35
Knock it of with that "logical" stuff, dammit! I have a reputation to uphold...

By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:20
The problem is not with your pics, countryboy (if you don't mind my saying so, your photos display a very nice looking example of dingushood. My compliments, also, to the lovely Mrs. countryboy for doing a fine job in helping to pretty the place up), but that most women are just WIRED differently when it comes to sex stuff. We guys tend to be more visually stimulated and react stronger to what we see. Ladies, though they can appreciate a handsome wiener, tend to be more concerned about who is attached to the thing than how it looks. Guys on sites like this kinda forget that difference a lot.
By bella! at 08,Apr,16 16:41 other posts of bella! 
No such word as "dingushood", Mister Know-it-All JustWill!

BUT there is a Dyngus Day! Read on....

"Dyngus Day is a Polish holiday, celebrated the Monday after Easter. It originally commemorated the baptism of Prince Mieszko I, the first ruler of Poland, which brought Christianity to the country. That started the tradition of sprinkling water on people on Dyngus Day morning, which evolved into the custom of young men showing their affection for a girl by dumping water on her head and whipping her legs with branches.


Today, the largest Dyngus Day celebration in the U.S. is in Buffalo, New York. It's also a big holiday in South Bend, Indiana, where it marks the beginning of the political primary season.

We're not too big on being smacked with willow branches, but we do love Polish specialties like pierogi and kielbasa. And bigos, a sweet and sour Polish stew with sauerkraut, pork, mushrooms, tomatoes, and sometimes apples or honey, sounds delicious. If you're not too full from your Easter eating, carry on with Dyngus Day."

Hey, dingus, kielbasa, the only thing different is the amount of garlic!
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:52
If dingushood is not a word, then how was it possible for me to use it in a sentence? Words is my BITCH, ma'am.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

So, you're saying that American women don't go for being whipped with willows but that they don't mind being pummeled with pierogies or koshed with a kielbasa?
By bella! at 08,Apr,16 17:32 other posts of bella! 
I loves me some fresh kielbasa!

By #460385 at 08,Apr,16 17:07
I know the difference. Never complained about my comments. Most of the time I reply back man or woman.

By #508208 at 08,Apr,16 15:02
wait, so people join a site that has a big disclaimer on the front page stating that the site is predominately gay then get butt-hurt when another guy likes their cock pics? wtf is wrong with people? I'm mostly str8, married to a woman, never sucked a dick and likely never will, but when a dude tells me he likes my cock i say "thanks man" and may even compliment his. a fucking compliment is a fucking compliment. if your a homophobe this is the WRONG site for you
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:42
What I don't get is this:
If a guy says "Hey! Nice looking penis you have there, sir" or even "Damn! I wouldn't kick THAT pecker out of bed for eating crackers" it's just WORDS. It's not like he is knocking you to your knees and making you play the skin-flute. If a guy complements you on your hat, that doesn't mean he is going to try to fuck it. WORDS can't turn you gay...
By #508208 at 08,Apr,16 16:55
exactly. i for one am straight but love all the comments guys give me here. whether it be a man or a woman that says nice cock, someone likes my cock!
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 17:00
How does it look in a hat?

By #423426 at 08,Apr,16 00:11
If you're posting pics of your cock on a site where 90% of the members are men and you get "all queasy" when a man looks at it, you really should go elsewhere. If this had appeared on April 1st I might have understood.
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 02:52
So, SATIRE only works on April 1st? I'll have to make a note of that for future reference. Thanks for the tip!
By #423426 at 08,Apr,16 09:30
I guess I missed it, but some people really are that stupid. You had me fooled.
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:33

By JeffinKS at 07,Apr,16 23:19 other posts of JeffinKS 

--------------------------------------- added after 114 seconds

awww Fritz... your just not straight enough.....

just remember.. those that scream the loudest.. have the most to hide. if your comfortable in your sexuality it shouldn't bother you...
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 02:53
I'd tell you how handsome your pics are, but I don't want to get gay cooties all over this thread. (I'm not sure how one can tell the gay cooties from the straight ones, but why run the risk?)
By JeffinKS at 08,Apr,16 11:57 other posts of JeffinKS 
you always know how to get me to smile...
By bella! at 08,Apr,16 12:27 other posts of bella! 
Smile!? I've got to be careful where I read his posts because I will often explode into laughter! It's not good when you're working in an open atmosphere office. First, you call attention to yourself, second, folks will then know that you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing.......
By JeffinKS at 08,Apr,16 12:37 other posts of JeffinKS 
yes because your supposed to be miserable at work.... if you are acting like you are having fun... your doing something wrong..

By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 16:33
You're a good guy, and deserve a smile now and then. Always happy to do my part in achieving that.
(And, fuck the gay cooties! Handsome pics, man!)

By milesbferry at 07,Apr,16 23:23 other posts of milesbferry 
I'm a GREAT BIG MACHO MAN! All welcome to drool over my pretty dick
By #491031 at 08,Apr,16 02:55
That sort of talk is just ASKING for trouble!

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