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Small clarification about gift awards

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Started by admin at 29,May,16 14:59  other posts of admin
I simply forgot about the message that says "You can have only one of these, you have to convert the gift into points if you want to get another". This message was only meant for Domination Game gifts and there was never such limitation for any other kind of gift awards.

I forgot that this message shows automatically for any auto-awarded gifts. Now I fixed it, it shows only for Domination Game gifts as it was meant.

Despite that message all this time you could have several auto-awarded gifts of any kind (Excitement, Pic of the Month, etc) except the Domination Game whip and sceptre. And indeed you can still have. The message was erroneously shown where it should not have been shown, but the mechanics always worked correctly.

Similar topics: 1.Small addition to the "Domination" game   2.*GIFT SUGGESTIONS*   3.Sarcasm and Me: A Clarification   4.New Gift Pictures!! What would you like as a gift???   5.Gift Wrapping My Penis  

New Comment

By bella! at 29,May,16 15:14 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for the update as well as tweaking the contest.

Adult Discussion Forum