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Started by chubbyloves at 04,Oct,16 21:12  other posts of chubbyloves
There are some days when I walk around a DIY store and get smiles, head nods, hello's and such. I always think to myself. What if I approached him, and started a conversation where would it lead. At one time I was shy about divulging my motives but as I get older, it is less of a problem. If the conversation goes that way. I guess I am always horney. There seems to be a lot more men that have had sex with other men. Unfortunately I do not have a place to take someone or do I do things where I can be caught. Some times I want a cock to suck. Does anyone else have this problem

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New Comment

By knewbi at 07,Oct,19 16:05 other posts of knewbi 
I know what you mean. There are lots of guys that would be interested. As I type this I am as usual, horned up and wish that I had a close by playmate. I keep thinking that there are for sure a number of guys in the area thinking the very same thing. When I am out and about I guys bulge drives me wild and I always wonder if I had offered to blow him would he say yes...? Just think of the missed opportunities that would have said yes. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a universal sign that guys like us would know and if we gave the sign and they responded we would have more action?

By chubbyloves at 07,Oct,19 06:12 other posts of chubbyloves 
never know what store I will be in

By Tushar1230 at 01,Oct,19 01:09 other posts of Tushar1230 
Well, I hope I can let you suck mine, I love blowjobs and cumming on face ya know.

Adult Discussion Forum