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Started by #294721 at 24,Aug,18 20:59
Who has had bare sex with a stranger?

Similar topics: 1.What would you do to me...?   2.i love to.fucked by strangers   3.Being nude in front of strangers?   4.My fantacy❤️   5.Sucking strangers in public  

New Comment

By wycowboy at 06,Nov,18 05:03 other posts of wycowboy 
I have with many women. In the 70's and 80's when I was in high school using a condom wasn't that commonplace. I even laid a couple of women in the Philippines without one which was stupid. I lucked out there and didn't catch anything. These days I would not have any type of penetration without one.

By #532415 at 05,Nov,18 23:11
My wife and I have been doing it for years...

By spermkiss at 26,Aug,18 18:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Who hasn't?
By #294721 at 27,Aug,18 11:42
You'd be surprised

By #532415 at 05,Nov,18 23:10
Right on.

By #570296 at 05,Nov,18 22:45
I do all the time I love meet a guy and letting him fuck my ass with no rubber shooting cum in my ass

By leopoldij at 28,Aug,18 01:33 other posts of leopoldij 
What is bare sex? Unprotected sex?
By #294721 at 28,Aug,18 12:19
By leopoldij at 28,Aug,18 15:30 other posts of leopoldij 
in that case, the answer is: yes, if it's only handjob or, rarely, oral, but NEVER unprotected penetration. this would be crazy. i never do that, although i've fucked many girls i met for the first time, but i always fuck them with a condom no matter what.

it's stupid to risk it. after all, a good handjob from a stranger, together with mutual genital fondling can be just as good. i always cum!

By #478464 at 28,Aug,18 13:10
With "A" stranger? LOL That would be strangers...plural. I don't make guys use condoms. I **** them. I have rubber dicks at home that I can play with if I want that. Besides, I really enjoy getting a good creampie

By #544423 at 27,Aug,18 20:17
i have w/a couple women. w/a man only once

By #536019 at 24,Aug,18 21:59
Does sucking count? If so, a couple dozen times.
By #294721 at 27,Aug,18 11:41
Acknowledging the tangential implication of this comment, however, oral sex wasn't what was meant.

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