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How to give more cum???

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Started by Greek18cm at 31,Oct,16 20:40  other posts of Greek18cm
Is there a way that you can cum so much like in the videos that girls are cover all over with cum???

I mean realy really much cum...

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By phart at 21,Nov,16 20:58 other posts of phart 
Go to a sperm bank and see if you can draw interest on your current load?

By #485312 at 31,Oct,16 22:18
yes theres pills for everything and lm sure lve heard theres pills for coming more *lix*
By Greek18cm at 31,Oct,16 22:39 other posts of Greek18cm 
Do not think so there is for everything...
If there is, i want my cock to be 24cm
By leopoldij at 02,Nov,16 01:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Does Antzela like it bigger ?
By Greek18cm at 05,Nov,16 02:48 other posts of Greek18cm 
No. She just like bigger pockets with much more money...
By leopoldij at 08,Nov,16 00:41 other posts of leopoldij 
Alright, then if I have the money, but a small cock, she'll fuck with me?
By Greek18cm at 21,Nov,16 20:39 other posts of Greek18cm 
She fucks with everyone for money. No limits in fat, dirty, old guys or anything.

By leopoldij at 02,Nov,16 01:46 other posts of leopoldij 
What are the pills called?
By #485312 at 08,Nov,16 09:10
probably, lickalotacum or cumsomemore *lix*
By leopoldij at 08,Nov,16 13:07 other posts of leopoldij 
i'm not a pharmacist, neither do i need the pills, but it's always good to know. there are times when a girl is expecting more cum than i have to offer, and then the pills might come handy. but i'd have to take them in advance, and who can plan ahead in such a way? when i want to fuck, i fuck, i don't prepare. sometimes i need a condom and lube but even if those are not available what's wrong with simply fucking a woman with my fingers and tongue and make her cum this way? i actually love doing that. maybe i'm an exception but i enjoy all kinds of sexual activities and do not always opt for penetration. if possible, great, if not, well, i got other skills and tools too.

By leopoldij at 08,Nov,16 14:43 other posts of leopoldij 
There's also something that's called Xylazine.
I found it on the internet just now.
Watch the video to see how it works:
only registered users can see external links

By #520352 at 02,Nov,16 09:22
The two most popular pills are Volume Pills and Semenax for a bigger cum volume

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