Started by Greek18cm at 15,Nov,16 19:17  other posts of Greek18cm
Similar topics: 1.Member with artistic pics? 2.CHECKOUT OUR PAGE FOLKS,SOME GREAT SNAPS.....X. 3.New member .....check out my page, do you like? 4.Lonewolf is not alone anymore... changing member name 5.Brasileiros! New CommentComments: |
And yes. Thanks leo, we greeks are proud about our romantic way of live. In fact i never fucked any woman without having emotions.
Yes maybe greeks are the last to hold on in love... But maybe it sould not be like that. Sex and fuck is easy. I think. Love is not.
I beyrayed by a women / girl that i never expected. I love her so strong and she still ...
With emotions you never know. That is difficult. The fucking is easy...
By the way. I am not really in love as you can understand. But i am... How can i say in english? I do not know. There us this member , xokat, that has an amaxing face and such a beautiful eyes...
Yes i do not know her but.... The last 6 mobths i am in a devastating situation emotionaly, and since i saw xokat, something change.
The only thing i m not sure, if i could ir could not say no to my past.
You know the situation. That i m not yet sure if i m strong enough.
But anything else/new... No. I m ready... I just over react in my text. Of course i do not lice her.
I just find her extremely sweet.
If you read my blog sir you will find I have not had a great time the past 4 months or so myself as far as a relationship because my girlfriend tried to kill herself with pills. There are some folks here that have tolerated my whining and random compliments and I appreciate it. But unless I met them,it would be hard for me to say, "I am in love" . Until you speak to them,look them in the eyes and read the body language,you can't determine if love is there or not.And even then,you can't be sure. It is a chance or leap of faith in them and yourself you have to take.
And after what I have been thru, it is a leap I am reluctant to ever take again. Trust is important to me, and the gal had me thinking all was well.
I love and care for her even that she does not give a shit for me...
Idialy love is a two eay street. But if you really love someone. You loce him either she dors to or not.
But it would be easier to you if you know greek. I do not want to sound like... But the greek terms are pointing to every sonfle siruation. There ate so many words to describe so many things. Foe instance the english word love in greek could involve about 11 or 11 diffetent things. When greeks say i love it could translated diferently that you can understand.
For the most part I would venture to say the chances of meeting your true love here are slim. I mean, really you would have to be 1 hell of a wordsmith to convey your feelings for a woman in typed words without sounding like a pervert.
Next time,if you are lucky to have a real person in your arms, talk to them as you would type something on here and chances are they will read your body language and what not and know you are not a perv. But then type those same words to a total stranger on here and see what happens. Probably the big ol blacklist message next time you clic on their page.
DO NOT send her money!!!!!!