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Just fale in love with a member

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Started by Greek18cm at 15,Nov,16 19:17  other posts of Greek18cm
So aa the title says i just did. The most sweet face and wonderfull eyes.
But i can t say anything.
She lives (or claim so) too far away and also, how in the hell i will vonvince her that i am not a pervert that will stock her etc etc. You know the issues i think.

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By leopoldij at 16,Nov,16 00:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh you're Greek. That's why you fell in love. You know, you're the last ones on earth that are still falling in love. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're doing something wrong, but falling in love is not what people do these days.
By *kmadeau* at 16,Nov,16 00:39 other posts of *kmadeau* 
oh yeah falling in Fuck is what ppl do these days
By leopoldij at 18,Nov,16 08:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Who gives a fuck about love. But everyone loves a fuck.
By kebmo at 18,Nov,16 10:48 other posts of kebmo 
I still care about love but I'm sure as hell not counting on SYD to find that person for me.
By leopoldij at 19,Nov,16 08:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Nobody said one shouldn't care for love. It's just that love doesn't exist any more.

By #485312 at 22,Nov,16 21:26
SYD brought us together, aussieman and l found each other here and we have forged ahead as a couple...we found lust and love here *lix*

By Greek18cm at 20,Nov,16 03:02 other posts of Greek18cm 
Actually leopoldji knows one thing or two about me. He helped me in a very difficult time of my life. But that is an other topic.

And yes. Thanks leo, we greeks are proud about our romantic way of live. In fact i never fucked any woman without having emotions.

Yes maybe greeks are the last to hold on in love... But maybe it sould not be like that. Sex and fuck is easy. I think. Love is not.

I beyrayed by a women / girl that i never expected. I love her so strong and she still ...

With emotions you never know. That is difficult. The fucking is easy...

By the way. I am not really in love as you can understand. But i am... How can i say in english? I do not know. There us this member , xokat, that has an amaxing face and such a beautiful eyes...

Yes i do not know her but.... The last 6 mobths i am in a devastating situation emotionaly, and since i saw xokat, something change.
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,16 15:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Listen my friend; I've helped you and I'm glad I did. I just don't want you to fall into a trap again. Please feel free to chat with me privately. Any time. Glad to help
By Greek18cm at 21,Nov,16 19:32 other posts of Greek18cm 
No. No trap can catch me in the present state i am.
The only thing i m not sure, if i could ir could not say no to my past.
You know the situation. That i m not yet sure if i m strong enough.

But anything else/new... No. I m ready... I just over react in my text. Of course i do not lice her.

I just find her extremely sweet.
By #517356 at 21,Nov,16 19:35
She is veey sexy though ..hehe

By phart at 21,Nov,16 12:52 other posts of phart 
I will say this,she looks good.

If you read my blog sir you will find I have not had a great time the past 4 months or so myself as far as a relationship because my girlfriend tried to kill herself with pills. There are some folks here that have tolerated my whining and random compliments and I appreciate it. But unless I met them,it would be hard for me to say, "I am in love" . Until you speak to them,look them in the eyes and read the body language,you can't determine if love is there or not.And even then,you can't be sure. It is a chance or leap of faith in them and yourself you have to take.
And after what I have been thru, it is a leap I am reluctant to ever take again. Trust is important to me, and the gal had me thinking all was well.

By #485312 at 16,Nov,16 04:02
yes, the issue is you cant fall in love with someone you haven't met, a couple of pics does not show you their personality, or what they like or want, you are in lust with an image ... love is a two way street, when only one shares the feelings, its just infatuation *lix*
By Greek18cm at 20,Nov,16 03:06 other posts of Greek18cm 
Actually i dissagree. Love does not have to be two ways. For instance i have a cousin who became a prostitude.

I love and care for her even that she does not give a shit for me...

Idialy love is a two eay street. But if you really love someone. You loce him either she dors to or not.
By #358797 at 20,Nov,16 03:28
Pretty sure that's in an entirely different context than she was talking about....

By #460385 at 20,Nov,16 03:27
You can't fall in love over the internet with someone you never met. And someone you don't know is real or fake or a man or woman. If you have, you have mental issues and need to seek help.

By Dong69 at 19,Nov,16 12:28 other posts of Dong69 
I knowticed a few of you are talking about LOVE! assuming it does not exist, well at at least one of you stated this. Well I hope you realize that LOVE AND SEX , have very little to do with each other. What I mean is sex is the act between two people. Where LOVE has to do with Your BEING NESS, and when I say this i mean who you are as a spiritual BEING. This is the one thought on LOVE majority of humanity gets wrong or are confused about it. Because most are taught that they must go date and marry another, to find there true LOVE. But I'll tell you in that way it's truly not there, and I am not saying you all should not have relationships, NO! I just saying stop misplacing your thought of LOVE in another, and start your life in the BEING of it!!!!!
By Greek18cm at 20,Nov,16 02:52 other posts of Greek18cm 
You are trying to say something here.
But it would be easier to you if you know greek. I do not want to sound like... But the greek terms are pointing to every sonfle siruation. There ate so many words to describe so many things. Foe instance the english word love in greek could involve about 11 or 11 diffetent things. When greeks say i love it could translated diferently that you can understand.

By #487013 at 16,Nov,16 01:21
Maybe try your local department store since she lives so far away. They may stock her there...
By #491031 at 19,Nov,16 19:05
I see what you did there.

By Greek18cm at 20,Nov,16 02:48 other posts of Greek18cm 

By phart at 19,Nov,16 18:05 other posts of phart 
I think there is 1 case on here where 2 members found each other and are making something work. But I think they were just 2 lucky people and it worked out.

For the most part I would venture to say the chances of meeting your true love here are slim. I mean, really you would have to be 1 hell of a wordsmith to convey your feelings for a woman in typed words without sounding like a pervert.
Next time,if you are lucky to have a real person in your arms, talk to them as you would type something on here and chances are they will read your body language and what not and know you are not a perv. But then type those same words to a total stranger on here and see what happens. Probably the big ol blacklist message next time you clic on their page.

By kebmo at 16,Nov,16 11:05 other posts of kebmo 
Google the word infatuation. You can't find love in photos or a bit of chatting with someone you've never met. Cool your jets, you will probably never meet her.

DO NOT send her money!!!!!!

By #460385 at 15,Nov,16 21:03
Hopefully she is not a he.
By Greek18cm at 15,Nov,16 23:11 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes hopefully

By #496814 at 15,Nov,16 20:37
We are all perverts on this site. But on the brighter note: so is she.

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