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What would you do ....

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Started by #24318 at 27,Nov,16 22:41
I have a very good friend.... She is in a very good relationship...she loves him tooooo bits ...he loves her toooo bits........but....she's not getting her sex ...she loves sex...but he is not interest.... She has met someone who really wants tooo fu#k her ....real good ...he likes her .... She likes him...only for sex ...she has got what he wants....his what she wants love just sex...what should she do ????

New Comment

By #159671 at 02,Dec,16 07:17
Yea, no, I really can't say what should be done. I guess the right thing is for her to get permission from him, but that's probably an impossibly hard discussion to have. I do feel bad for her, she needs what she needs. As for him, WTF? You suppose he'd rather wank it for himself? All I know is I would like to watch. I guess I'm a sickko.

By #494374 at 01,Dec,16 21:05
Everyone's opinion really doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is what she thinks is right and what she feels comfortable with.

By #460385 at 29,Nov,16 14:49
Keep fucking him
By *kmadeau* at 29,Nov,16 18:37 other posts of *kmadeau* 
so sorry boy, you are on the best way to the hellish Hell
By #460385 at 30,Nov,16 04:11
Really. You want to talk religion or relationships with me. Haha. I've been married to my high school sweat heart for over 20 years and I'm not worried about Hell, cause there is no God. Save your preaching for someone who believes.
By *kmadeau* at 30,Nov,16 21:52 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow Boy, you are ready to cheat of your sweet heart...
By #460385 at 01,Dec,16 17:04

By #487013 at 01,Dec,16 03:01
Fuck him, to hell with the Bf. Love is overrated.

By phart at 30,Nov,16 19:52 other posts of phart 
It is just going to make for problems . If the man she calls her bf is not screwing her, she needs to fix that problem.

men normally get agitated when someone else is tapping their woman. This can lead to **** and someone getting hurt.

By cumcouplessa at 29,Nov,16 03:33 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Leo is right. If the bf doesnt want to fuck her, he shouldnt mind someone else doing it for him? First tell the bf, then fuck the other guy on a regular basis and live happy ever after . Ask the bf to watch. Maybe will get him going?
By leopoldij at 29,Nov,16 09:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Glad to hear some other voice of reason.

By leopoldij at 29,Nov,16 09:22 other posts of leopoldij 
Ordinary human beings can't suppress their sexual needs for too long. When they do, they get problems, physical or mental. Take, for example, Catholic priests. Suppression leads them to ch.ild ****. If they were allowed to fuck these things wouldn't happen to the extent they did/do.

By *kmadeau* at 28,Nov,16 00:45 other posts of *kmadeau* 
by the Bible, she must to avoid the cheating of her BF and to ignore new fucked deeply
By leopoldij at 28,Nov,16 22:57 other posts of leopoldij 
By the bible, it's ok for a father to have sex with his daughter. Genesis 19.33.

So your sources are not credible.
By *kmadeau* at 29,Nov,16 00:43 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow Leo you have forgot the SEVEN DEADLY SINS, especially # 4th, LUST
By #485312 at 29,Nov,16 08:26
you all forgot, that there are no gods, no holy ghost, and the bible is the biggest crock of rot lve ever read.. l was told it would give me a new look on life, after reading about all the in family loving, l thought, WOW, what ever drugs these dudes are on....l want some...fucking bible and god is the biggest lie of mankind...and on this matter, ld keep my nose out of their business and let them work out their marital woes *Lix*

By leopoldij at 28,Nov,16 22:54 other posts of leopoldij 
She should get her sex with the other guy and tell her boyfriend she's doing that. I'm fucking two girls who are in relationships. An Asian one whose boyfriend only fucks her twice a month, and the wife of somebody who is also not interested in sex because of his age. None of them have a problem with that and I don't have either. The sex I get from them is absolutely fantastic. We should separate sex from relationships. But we still live the illusion of single family. Yes, when that works, great! But when it doesn't, no need to pretend it does.
By *kmadeau* at 29,Nov,16 02:00 other posts of *kmadeau* 
the Bible by Leo!

By #305542 at 28,Nov,16 16:09
Be true to 1 person even if it's the new guy...

By #515031 at 28,Nov,16 09:28
If she wants to be faithful then she needs to keep away from the other guy. But if she is ok with cheating on her bf then go for it. Just be careful to not get pregnant. But i say talk to bf and get him to fuck her or break it off cause it seems tbere is an issue with his side of the relationship.

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