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Started by routemaster at 23,May,17 16:26  other posts of routemaster
British actor Roger Moore has died at the age of 89. People of a certain age will remember him as Leslie Charteris's anti-hero "The Saint" in a long-running television series in the 1960s and then with the late Tony Curtis in t.v.'s "The Persuaders" which only ran for just one series in 1971 - and had a great theme tune by the late composer John Barry. But its probably as James Bond that Roger will probably best be remembered for, just one in a long line of many Bonds, not that I was ever a fan of those, only seen two "You Only Live Twice" and "Diamonds Are Forever" when Bond was played in both films by Sean Connery. Best thing about them was/is the theme songs .R.I.P. Roger

Similar topics: 1.BOB HOSKINS   2.MARY TYLER MOORE, R.I.P.   3.Do you think she looks like her???   4.Julianne Moore, confuses me!   5.DAVID McCALLUM and ROGER WHITTAKER R.I.P.  

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By #518391 at 24,May,17 08:15
It's interesting to note that Roger Moore promoted circumcision in the project to prevent Aids in Africa (and elsewhere)...he was circumcised at the age of 8, his parents considering it was more hygienic and he had his two sons circumcised as well.
By #520757 at 24,May,17 17:01
I'm sorry but with all due respect to yourself and the late Roger Moore I have to take exception to this idea that Circumcision prevents Aids...I think you'll find that "safe sex" prevents Aids and as for hygiene....well I think we have soap and water for that. This is just another fallacy, one of many, spread by the "pro circ" brigade. A bit like the one they invented that says "Circumcision prevents prostate Cancer". Roger Moore himself at one stage suffered from prostate Cancer, as have I, and I'm Circumcised as well so that idea's a non starter. As I say, there are many fallacies surrounding Circumcision and people on here have the right to voice their opinions but I think it would be helpful if they did some research before making any profound statements.

By #531528 at 24,May,17 10:30
He was the Bond at the time I was growing up. I will always enjoy watching him in the role. Along with Desmond Llewellyn who played Q at the time, me had some of the best one liners and added a bit of fun. Will be missed

By #485312 at 24,May,17 06:10
yet another great actor lost, he was a very charismatic man and a very memorable one too *lix*

By DeepThroatThis at 23,May,17 20:08 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Amen RIP

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