| As you can see, I never made this site marking images with a logo. My reason is that you post those pics, they belong to you, so I have no rights to mark them as this site's belonging.
But I see that some of you place logos on your pics. I can automate this process and make the site marking images with your nickname and showyourdick.org title. For some degree it will lower pics stealing from other members. Not much, though.
Or I can make this feature optional, set via your profile interface. Because I'm sure not everyone want this.
What do you say? |
Currently, our pictures reflect our nickname as well as the site name in the lower right hand corner of every picture. After 5.5 years are you suggesting that admin removes showyourdick.org/showyourcunt.org/showitoff.org from all future uploads? I'm curious, is there a reason?
Unless you put it straight over the focus of the image, then all that will happen is it will get cropped off.
I'd be more concerned about stopping "anonymous" posters & comm