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Started by LeatherAndLace at 27,Apr,17 17:41  other posts of LeatherAndLace
What is the biggest cock your girl has told you about taking or you have seen her take? What is the biggest she would be willing to take?

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By #487206 at 14,May,17 07:09
For the longest time she wouldn't say but she finally told me her last bf was the biggest and best she's ever had. She couldn't give a measurement but he is a lot longer and thicker than mine (6'x5.5"

By #475526 at 11,May,17 08:12
biggest she had: 9,5 inch

By #485312 at 11,May,17 08:09
ld love to see a real foot long cock, like to see if they owner can keep it hard, lve seen some very unconvincing ones in porn that are pretend cocks and the blokes have to hold them on... *lix*

By #510842 at 30,Apr,17 02:16
I'm currently single but my ex-wife and I are still friends. She comes to me for advice or if she needs a guys perspective from time to time. A couple months ago she saw the 8" dildo I bought for myself a while back. She said it reminded her of the two somewhat serious boyfriends she's had since we split up. She said it was just about the same size as the guy she was dating a couple years ago and the guy she's seeing now is actually bigger. After a few days of thinking about that I asked her how I stacked up against the other guys she's been with. She told me that my 5.5" was the smallest she's ever had by a good bit. She said the next smallest after me was a little over 6.5". Needless to say that was a little crushing to my self esteem.
By bella! at 30,Apr,17 21:08 other posts of bella! 
Crushed your self esteem, eh? My guess that is the exact goal that was intended by your ex-wife, your "friend". I would rethink who you you are friends with.
By #510842 at 01,May,17 01:21
Yes and no. Our relationship now is fairly complex. We still help each other out and are there for each other if the other needs something. She comes to me for advice and I do the same and we've both agreed to be brutally honest with each other. That being said it shouldn't have surprised me to hear that. I've always tended to be on the smaller side when being around other in locker rooms and things like that starting in high school all the way to today. That being said I'm pretty sure there was no malice behind her comments. It was just the result of us agreeing to be brutally honest with each other when asking for advice or the like.
By leopoldij at 01,May,17 06:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Since you seem not to be having sex these days, ask her to find you a fuck buddy. That'll surely be a proof of her friendship and will be good for you too.
By #510842 at 02,May,17 04:42
She's always on the lookout for for someone for me. Unfortunately the group she hangs out with are all mostly married. She does hook me up from time to time with a blowjob or handjob which I would say is pretty good proof.
By kebmo at 02,May,17 05:13 other posts of kebmo 
I strongly disagree with the thought that receiving something from someone is proof of friendship.
By #510842 at 03,May,17 04:09
And why is that

By #508255 at 29,Apr,17 18:59
My girl told me that a certain person in my family has the biggest she has ever had and was sore for a day or two after he had her.

By #486087 at 27,Apr,17 20:13
been biggest for all girls that played with it

By #435701 at 27,Apr,17 18:20
Mine said a previous boyfriend who had one 'like a fire hydrant'...Wow...his must have stretched her way beyond what I could!
By LeatherAndLace at 27,Apr,17 18:38 other posts of LeatherAndLace 
Awwww. Poor girl
By #435701 at 27,Apr,17 19:56
Wow! You have a BIG cock! And a very pretty/sexy one! I like it. My wife would like it!!...but you are only 33...You do realize that cock size happens in the womb? Having to do with hormones/genes...pure LUCK!? Something way out of anyone's control?...And yet, guys with big dicks think their big dick is the be all end all...OK. On this site and likely in the ENTIRE World, that is true...But the World is generally VERY(dangerously)shallow in it's thinking in general...However, if your brain was as 'big' (maybe it is. I can't know that) as your appendage, that would be truly something...I know. At 33 you cannot hear anyone that has LOTS (twice) more of your life experiences...Funny thing about youth. Most young people cannot see their future. I couldn't when I was your age and yet I thought I could...Funny thing about age. Most old people can only see their past, as WELL as their future...and if you look @ World History...the past is the ONLY truth...
Enjoy your big cock and your youth while you can. Time accelerates rapidly from your age on...I don't mean any of this unkindly. It's just true and something I cannot tell anyone. Only people my age can understand this...You will one day be twice your age before you think it's possible...Really, I am not trying to be mean spirited. You have a big, beautiful cock, most women will swoon to spread for you...but, what will that all mean when you are 66?

By qhaos at 27,Apr,17 18:25 other posts of qhaos 
Ahah is mine! And i know is true because of her face looking at my cock the first time she saw it!

By #469863 at 27,Apr,17 17:50
She says mine but you know how that is they all say that ha
By LeatherAndLace at 27,Apr,17 18:05 other posts of LeatherAndLace 
Hahaha. True

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