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Noises when cumming

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Started by Nevermore at 07,May,17 12:19  other posts of Nevermore
Recent I've been thinking of starting shouting "sperm" at the moment of orgasm. Would this freak people out or turn them on if a guy did it?

What kind of noise do people like to make when they cum?

Similar topics: 1.Cum on pics   2.time for cumming   3.Mouth cumming vids   4.Cum without cumming.   5.Farting in Public Toilets and Making Noises  

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By #533479 at 10,Sep,18 08:35
Some guys make very weird noises when they cum. One made a long high pitched crooning sound; some grunt like pigs; the best was one who growled like a horny lion as he dumped his load in me

By #566722 at 09,Sep,18 13:15
When I play with myself I just moan silently and breath heavily.But when I get sucked or fucking somebody I say that I am going to cum with that sexy tone in my voice.

By #519017 at 27,May,17 07:21
I just go "Nnnnnnggghhhh! Nnnnnnnnngggghhhh! ....... Ahhhhhh!"

By #509705 at 24,May,17 09:56
I canna hold her Captain. It's gunna blow.

By DJS at 17,May,17 11:23 other posts of DJS 
Yabba Dabba Do
By RealTitsLover at 17,May,17 16:23 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Haha, that's a good one, maybe I'll try it.
By #515780 at 18,May,17 07:18

By DJS at 22,May,17 11:30 other posts of DJS 
Give it ago mate

By leopoldij at 08,May,17 00:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I think you should shout
"spermatozoa released!"
By #502711 at 15,May,17 07:50
By leopoldij at 15,May,17 09:29 other posts of leopoldij 
Ah, sure, whatever pleases you!
--------------------------------------- added after 74 seconds

Here, I just shouted "don't stop, let me shoot my fucking cum"
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 15,May,17 23:59
[deleted image]
heres aussieman coming, lm sure you've wanted to hear him or see him come... *lix*
By leopoldij at 16,May,17 00:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. Great fuck! (But please turn off the radio next time😁
By #485312 at 16,May,17 06:02
was probably the tele, we were in a motel that day, lm sure aussies orgasm was pretty audible, and this is the one he wanted loaded.. so blame him lol.. *lix*
By leopoldij at 16,May,17 08:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh ok. I will (blame him).

By t-rex at 19,May,17 02:38 other posts of t-rex 
She is hot, I can see why you needed to cum

By #535013 at 15,May,17 22:37
I'm a loud cummer, major moans and I usually call out "I'm gonna squirt!"

By #501020 at 15,May,17 12:52
"Let daddy cum on ya face...tits..ass..." "swallow daddys cum"...

By RealTitsLover at 14,May,17 15:47 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I don't make noise when I cum.

By #332336 at 14,May,17 11:23
I say all kinds of shit. Oh fuck, here it comes, that's my pussy, I want all that pussy, fuck me, oh hell yea, ride that dick baby, you ready baby?, fuck,shit, here it is baby, who's yer daddy baby?, dat's my ass!, fuck me, fuck me oh shit yes fuck me!!!
lol, i'm a noisy fuck.
Women love it though. When I tell them, "that's my pussy", "my ass", they always yell it out, "yes daddy, it's yours, your pussy". I slap them on the ass and ask out loud "whos ass is that baby?" And they always yell it back, "it's your ass daddy, your ass". I have never had a woman yet say, nope it's my ass.
Women love to be owned, especially when your fucking the shit out of them. They love that feeling of being a possession during sex. I give it to them.

By #485312 at 12,May,17 09:50
l make a lot of noise, l love letting it out, saying 'fuck' and 'youre fucked', and when it feels so good l don't really know whats coming out of my mouth other than moans, gasps and screams *lix*

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