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Serius stress/emo/not cum problem

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Started by Greek18cm at 09,May,17 00:50  other posts of Greek18cm
Here is the story.
In 2015 ,16th May i met her.
We spend a year all day together.
She was a prostitude.
I did not know in the beggining.
I did not believe in the end.
Some day she left for an other city.
Bigger life bigger money.
Snd she found an excuse to fight with me.
She broke up,i was devastated.
S hole year a was out of place.
I was unhappy on everything.
Today i said enough.
I pick a friend and we went to the prostitudes. I had a year to fuck!
I tried one and after 15 minutes nothing.
I tried an other because i thought the first was nit my type.
We the second one all was perfect.
Her scene her colours.
We tried. I fucked her good.
We spent 40 minutes fucking and i was not able to cum.
I mean my problem was that 2-3 times i went soft so i thought it was because i put some weight and i am fat... Or i watch to much porn or masterbate to much...
But as she said... i was stressed.
She said my cock is ok but my mind...
At the end i felt i was going to...cum but i did not. If only i thing could have another 10-20 minutes...
And i am thinking.
Do i hsve an emotional problem or its just me that cant cum easy...?
I am really comfused.
When i sm alone,i can cum between 15-30 minutes but...
Oh come on this girl was so perfect.
And we fucked so good...
Why i could not cum?

Please tell me honestly your opinion and your advice!

Similar topics: 1.ANTI DEPRESSENTS AND SEX   2.premature ejacualation   3.Menopause and Sex....A PROBLEM   4.fourm picture posting   5.Technical problem  

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By Greek18cm at 09,May,17 22:21 other posts of Greek18cm 

I dont believe in coinsidence but...
She just talked to me after a year!!!
By phart at 13,May,17 19:09 other posts of phart 
Tell her to fly a kite right up a hogs ass.
I am having issues trying to get past my girlfriends suicide attempt, no sex for almost a year. I have to remind myself a 100 times a day she popped the pills to leave me and the rest of the world,what the fuck am I worried about?

I am looking at asking another gal out. Don't care about the sex, just want a smiling face at the other end of the dinner table once in a while .

Women can fuck up the mind, use the penis occasionally to gain their pleasure and leave the man to suffer while they go off and enjoy their exploits. Trust is important to me in a relationship,if I can't trust them,to hell with them.
By Greek18cm at 13,May,17 22:13 other posts of Greek18cm 
Always i desplay and demand it in anything.

But when it comes to her.
I forget everything...
By leopoldij at 15,May,17 09:43 other posts of leopoldij 
You don't forget anything, you WANT to forget everything because you want to feel good for a few minutes.

You know that the feeling won't last.

But you're like a dr_ug addict. You do something that destroys you so that you feel good for a few moments.

When you realise you're a dr_ug addict, there's a chance you'll stop.

As for trust, the fact that YOU display it and YOU demand it means nothing. People won't behave the way YOU want because YOU behave in a decent way. We're predatory ani_mals and she's a prime example of that
By Greek18cm at 15,May,17 16:38 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes and perhaps i was not aninal enough with her i think!!! And now my mind is like this is a second chance to sow her what i csn! I dont know. Tommorrow its her birthday. I have no idea.

I...i want to let thinks come for a short time and then i ll think!
By leopoldij at 15,May,17 17:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Forget it. (Did she remember your birthday?)
By Greek18cm at 15,May,17 23:27 other posts of Greek18cm 
When we were apart due to her moving to another city, but still in this kind of relationship yes she did.

But this year, no she did not contact.
But this seems ok. We did not spoke she was supposed to be mad, her birthday was passed and i did not move then....

So many times i thought that i had to speak then. Just about a month or two after she left me,i should talk.... Who knows....

Well, i just came from outside. I was in my ex job and my friends told me that it would be cool to say happy birthaday but nothing else.

They also think that it was cool that i grab her yesterday and even cooler that i ignore her the rest of the night....

By Greek18cm at 16,May,17 20:38 other posts of Greek18cm 
OK. Just came home.
Yes its her birthday yes she anwer and thank me.
Also i visited my therapist to tell him all those random and crazy things that happened this week.

Believe it or not, he encouraged me to buy her a present.

But not as yo think...

He said, by her a present agift as an excuse to see her again and talk to her and tell her your ffeelings and make her believe that what is done is done and now she can cunt on you as a cousin but not as anything else...
By leopoldij at 16,May,17 23:22 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't know man. I wouldn't buy her anything. But it's up to you. I'm not a therapist.
By Greek18cm at 16,May,17 23:53 other posts of Greek18cm 
I think a small present, could be a symbol. that we can both use to point the time we make the switch.

i am not sure... it s just an easy excuse that i can use...

you know :het,i bought you a small present, come on lets have a coffee and talk:...

we defenatly have to talk. i am not sure about the gift...

but i have to tell her what i feel what she made me feel, and waht we should do from now...

i think it couldwork if she listen to me seriously.
By leopoldij at 17,May,17 09:36 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok. But do make the switch.
Be honest. You don't appreciate the fact that she began a prostitute to make money and she should know that.
I know it's hard but it's better than dragging this on for years. It'll kill you. I'm speaking from experience.
By Greek18cm at 17,May,17 22:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
I just spoke to her. Its all so soon and fast. I told her to become just cousins. I dont mean it, i feel terrible but i know this is the right thing. Dude i cant believe its over. She said to go for coffee the necy days and i ask for tommorrow so we can talk more. I just. I am doing something i dont want. I just do the right thing. I am in pain. Damn! I so her in the lap of a young boy. I am so jeslous. Cant do it.

By leopoldij at 10,May,17 02:43 other posts of leopoldij 
The problem is that that woman was not just a prostitute but, as you told me, also your cousin and also, again as you told me, someone you were attached to emotionally. You were used to having sex with someone you felt very close to. And, like many other Mediterranean guys, confuse sex with emotional attachment. You can't ejaculate when fucking a random prostitute because you're used to attachment. Sex is in the brain. Try getting a prostitute jerk you off. And use your hands to jerk off yourself in front of her (preferably on her face). You may find it easier to cum this way. Once you do that a few times you'll be able you fuck a cunt and cum again, if you want to. Nothing wrong with first fucking a cunt, then pulling out and jerking off in order to cum. And forget attachments and love when fucking. Nothing to do with one another.
By Greek18cm at 10,May,17 13:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes i thought is an attachment issue.
Actually jerk off is something that can get me there to cum...
But its seems pointles to pay her for a handjob...

And there is this new think... after a year,yesterday she talked to me again...

And now i am so comfused !!!
By leopoldij at 10,May,17 13:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't be funny. It's not pointless to pay a hooker for a handjob. You first fuck her, relax and fuck her pussy, and when you feel like it you pull out and ask her for a handjob, a ball job, etc. Have her lie on you with her pussy facing your face. She'll be giving you a handjob while you're enjoying the spectacle. Finger fuck her at the same time if you wish. So it's not pointless paying a hooker for all that. You don't necessarily have to cum in a condom in her pussy. You're paying for the whole service.

As for her contacting you, forget it. She needs something and she's using you because she knows you won't say no. But surprise her and do say no.
By Greek18cm at 10,May,17 17:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
The hooker think, i ll try it.

Yeah the other think... i feel so.. its been a year... i know i have to say no... but...

By Greek18cm at 11,May,17 14:34 other posts of Greek18cm 
She is playing small games the last two days,with messages and i ...i cant!

She should find me and talk!

I fucking want ti see her and...and screw her all day!!!
By leopoldij at 11,May,17 18:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Listen man, just IGNORE the messages.
DON'T reply.
If you do, you're falling into greater misery.
Μην ανοίγεις το λάκκο μόνος σου.
By Greek18cm at 11,May,17 22:23 other posts of Greek18cm 
I just know that but is so difficult...
i just went out father find me and we had some drinks....

its so difficult for me....
a year after and for her is like nothing happened and for me its the hole world!!!!

Every momment the last two days i am thinking...oh forget her, i just nailed two prostitudes without cum, i am amazing....

and the next momment i am so emotional , i saw some pics of her, how she is now, with the new hair colour and haicut and....

i just miss her so bad.

then i am thinging...maybe just a fuck to remind her what i can do.... and then i am back to...igkore her....

i am so unstable!!!!

Just the day i took my steps towards forgeting her...she just happened to talk to me again....

My therapist said that was 10 per cent sure to happened. that when i take the decision she would apear!!!!



Fuck maybe i dont want to do the wright thing for me.
maybe i am self-destractive

By leopoldij at 12,May,17 02:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah, then go fuck someone who's fucked half of Greece for money and expect her to give you love. She'll fuck your brains (She's already done that) and she'll abandon you again for the next random guy with money. Meanwhile, you'll probably have contracted a disease from her (she has fucked lots of random guys, remember?) and surely she'll leave you with a mental disease as well.

Sure, go ahead. It's a sure way to completely destroy yourself.
By Greek18cm at 12,May,17 17:10 other posts of Greek18cm 
My problem s the feelings i have.
I feel this strong **** to go to her.
To see her ti talk...
I so much know its my doom...
Damned. She is so important to me and for her its all a silly game!
By leopoldij at 12,May,17 18:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Right. You have a problem. There's nothing I can do to help. Your problem is gonna destroy you. You're helpless. Sorry and good luck.
By Greek18cm at 13,May,17 00:06 other posts of Greek18cm 
I just return from ... well i just tried what you said with a hooker.

We tried for an hour. I couldnot cum so we threw away the condum and then something was going ti hapen but no...

Noq i m reading your message and i am thinking so many things.

I mean you are right. Everything about her is going to destroy me. I am finding out the last days that i an preety good at fucking and i get a lot of confidence about my cock.

I an thinking... who is she she is not even hot enough. She is ok but nothing extrairdinary. And she is giing ti screw me....

Well. In the end i thing its the respect i need to feel from her. I think this is what i really want.

I am not going to contact her but uf she does,all i am thinking is....ok lets be cool and lets see her,xasualy and saw her that she is nothing!!!

She is nithing but this nothing i do love her....

But this is not inportant. She is not good to me and i must hold that line. Uts the kast the only line if my front and i have ti resist.
By leopoldij at 13,May,17 02:25 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm glad you're taking these steps. Be a Man!
As for the hooker thing, you need time. Your mind is 99% full with her presence. She has invaded your mind and she won't let you enjoy sex either. Forget her totally. Then you'll be able to be happy again and enjoy sex. But it'll probably take time. Just relax.
By Greek18cm at 13,May,17 17:49 other posts of Greek18cm 
I am betting that perhaps this is me. Thats my cock ability. I need more time to cum. Its ok. I can accept it...

Ofcourse she invade my emotional ground. Its not a battle. Its a war ifcourse need time.

For first time since i met her i feel like i m getting the upper hsnd in this war.

I m not the type of surrender guy.
I m gonna win.

But i hope the long fucking thing will remain. I like to give the girls a long fuck... but of course i need to cum in the end some time...
By leopoldij at 13,May,17 18:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Forget about the sexual problem now. It depends on your emotional problem. Her rid of those and the sexual problems will be solved too. Great that you're strong!
By Greek18cm at 13,May,17 22:15 other posts of Greek18cm 
The thing is...
I dont know how to flirt.
I m not good at this.
I dont know how to make a stranger or a friendlt girl to want me,!

I m goid at sex but not in thise steps that lead yo sex!!!
By leopoldij at 14,May,17 07:14 other posts of leopoldij 
I understand. I'm the same.
By Greek18cm at 15,May,17 02:27 other posts of Greek18cm 
Dude i m so scared. I just came home. I wass in a live music bar aсd she came there. She find me and came to me... when she touched me i instantly hug her...

She was loughing and calling me cousin the obvious name she used to inform me what the bountries are.

The only thing i could spell was "why baby why,its been a year"...

Then she yeld that the dtinks are on cousin and she hugged me and go sit with a friend of her...

I sit with my company in a way that i can not look at her at all. And then after an hour of ignoring her i was ready to leave and she...

She came again to say goodnight and that she is pleased and happy to see me...

Jesus. In less than 24 hours its her birthday. I did not even imagine that...

Come on be serius is this for real?

Just when said enough?

I can stay away from her for some time but... but!!!!

Fuck she is destroying me!!!
By leopoldij at 15,May,17 09:40 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't see any problem except that you bought drinks for her. DON'T.
By Greek18cm at 15,May,17 16:35 other posts of Greek18cm 
I did not. She said it but i did not.
By leopoldij at 15,May,17 17:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Great! Good for you.

By #451452 at 11,May,17 23:17
The problem is between your ears as several have already mentioned. Find a person who is a trained sexual therapist or surrogate and talk to her about your issues. I am sure that she will lead you out of the swamp of sexual confusion that you are in.
By leopoldij at 13,May,17 02:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Good advice. But what's a surrogate?

By leopoldij at 10,May,17 13:19 other posts of leopoldij 
By Greek18cm at 10,May,17 17:46 other posts of Greek18cm 
No. Thats some famous greek sex symbol if i can say that.
But my ex is a minature of this woman!

By phart at 09,May,17 02:30 other posts of phart 
I couldn't squirt sometimes. The little tubes going from the prostate to the testicles were clogged and infected. 1 actually ruptured 1 night Have your self checked at the doctor. May be a infection in the prostate or those tubes. I can't remember the name of them off the top of my head.
By Greek18cm at 09,May,17 11:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
No, i could cum in home alone easy (in 15-30 min).

Its not that!

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