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Started by routemaster at 26,Sep,23 07:48  other posts of routemaster
Heard on the 8 a.m. radio news this morning that the Scottish born actor David McCallum has passed on at the age of 90. He will best be remembered, of course, for that 1960s hokum "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.", a Scotsman in America playing a Russian, although I was never a big fan of that. He did lots of other things, was in "The Great Escape" with Steve McQueen in 1963 and the 1970s British series "Colditz" and turns up in lots of old late 1950s/early 1960s black-and-white films in supporting roles before he was famous. R.I.P.
Also, while I was away on holiday last week, it was announced that the singer Roger Whittaker had passed on at the age of 87. His best known song is probably "I'm Gonna Leave Old Durham Town" but my favourite is "The Last Farewell", a truly beautiful song, wonderful melody, haunting lyrics.

Similar topics: 1.RIP David Bowie   2.ROGER MOORE R.I.P.   3.DAVID CASSIDY, R.I.P.   4.DAVID CROSBY RIP   5.GLYNIS JOHNS and DAVID SOUL R.I.P.  

New Comment

By bella! at 26,Sep,23 12:01 other posts of bella! 
Regarding Roger Whitaker's most memorable song for me, I agree with you, routmaster, it would be The Last Farwell!
By routemaster at 27,Sep,23 07:10 other posts of routemaster 
Really pleased you like Roger's The Last Farewell, bella, its a truly beautiful song, always been one of my favourites.

By tb1 at 26,Sep,23 08:22 other posts of tb1 
Very sad, unlike routemaster, I really liked the man from uncle, and David too, RIP
By bella! at 26,Sep,23 11:57 other posts of bella! 
And when I think of David McCallum, I think of the character that he portrayed in the weekly series shown on television, NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), Dr. Donald Mallard, aka "Ducky".

By foreskinlover52 at 26,Sep,23 10:33 other posts of foreskinlover52 

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