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Relation between male neipple and penis erection

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Started by #497509 at 24,May,17 03:45
I have noticed that when my nipple is stroked gently by my partner or by myself, my dick get erection quickly. Is it normal ?

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New Comment

By #553294 at 17,Apr,18 17:36
Yup! I discovered the connection between my nipples & cock back in grade-school. I get rock-hard in a few seconds when either I or my girlfriend touch my nipples!

By JackHammer at 24,May,17 11:47 other posts of JackHammer 
Nipple play gets me hard, I like it.
By bella! at 28,May,17 19:24 other posts of bella! 
Nipple play gets me "jump started"!
By leopoldij at 28,May,17 19:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Does your pussy get wet then?

By #303909 at 28,May,17 17:37
Yes it is normal and enhances your orgasm! Here my partner is sucking my niple while jerking me off...

[deleted image]

By #485312 at 24,May,17 05:33
yes totally normal, you just have very sensitive nipples and that's ok *lix*
By #497509 at 24,May,17 12:39
My wife knew this. If she feels that my dick is not quite hard, she starts stroking and sucking till she feels my dick hard enough .

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