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Here's why your boner bends:

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Started by #491031 at 14,Jun,17 19:36
With the exception of Peyronie’s disease (which is often painful and caused by the build-up of fibrous scar tissue in the penis)it is perfectly natural for a cock to have a bit of a curve. Here's why it happens:

Inside the penis, extending from the root to the base of the glans, are two cylindrical chambers called the corpora cavernosa. They are made up of spongy tissue and a network of bl00d vessels, and sit side by side in the penis. When the corpora cavernosa fill with bl00d, an erection occurs.

However, the human body is NOT symmetrical, so the corpora cavernosa in any given dick will not be of the exact same size, thickness or length. Nor will they always be of consistent size along their individual girths and lengths. So, when an erection happens, the penis will curve up or down, left or right, because of this lack of symmetry!

You're welcome. Will

Similar topics: 1.U-Curve, N-Curve, Side-curve or Ramrod cock?   2.The Longer the Cock, the Flimsier the Boner   3.Needing Womer To Humiliate my FLEXIBLE Boner   4.Getting a boner at a nude beach   5.How long does it take you to get a boner?  

New Comment

By #553294 at 17,Apr,18 18:18
Mine has always been straight as an arrow when hard & my erection-angle while standing has always been ~5-15 degrees from vertical. I'm now 62 & it's still that way.

By #527431 at 17,Jun,17 00:33
Why would you: You're welcome.Will?
By #491031 at 17,Jun,17 01:21
Should have been:
You're welcome,
By #527431 at 17,Jun,17 16:07
aha. And why sad face? Prefer smiling face.

By kebmo at 17,Jun,17 00:18 other posts of kebmo 
I have a blog story, with photos of course, called "Why my cock has a new curve in it". I'm pretty sure I have Peyronie’s disease.

By #491031 at 17,Jun,17 01:23
You still haven't had a Doc check it out?
By kebmo at 17,Jun,17 04:10 other posts of kebmo 
No I haven't. It's just aesthetic, no pain or discomfort involved. My annual physical is coming up in August so I'll bring it up then.

By RealTitsLover at 15,Jun,17 15:11 other posts of RealTitsLover 
(I know it's not what this thread's about, just thinking out loud...)

A downward curved one would probably be better for sucking, but maybe not as good for fucking girls in most positions... One curved to the left or right would seriously fuck with my (normally mild) OCD!
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 16:13
That actually would depend on what angle the sucker was approaching the bent dick from, no?
By RealTitsLover at 16,Jun,17 22:18 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Of course, I was talking about the most common way, from between the legs. Curved upward would probably be better for 69.

By mr_blue at 15,Jun,17 15:07 other posts of mr_blue 
Wasn't there a guy who popped up here talking about bendy cock and how it was due to which hand you jerked off with ?...if I remember properly,he said he was some sort of doctor !!!
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 16:01
He said he was a yogi and a sexual psychologist. He and I got into a massive debate about his bogus claim that switching hands could straighten a curved cock.
By #496814 at 15,Jun,17 20:36
Which is actually not completely untrue. Extensive use to one side could result in small ruptures of the erectile spongy tissue resulting in a slight bend. Switching hand amd not changing the technique and **** used during masturbation might result in the same ruptures on the other side making it a little more straight again (but more broken!)

By 2nice at 15,Jun,17 16:01 other posts of 2nice 
Was it Dr. Gyno? His degree in medicine is questionable. Is he still around these parts?
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 16:11
No, it was this guy:

Dr. Gyno was only interested in seeing pics of left nipples.
By mr_blue at 15,Jun,17 16:13 other posts of mr_blue 

By skot [Ignore] at 23,Jun,14 14:07

Feel free to rejoin this community when your own therapist has judged you safe to be let out in public: I'm a believer that no one should be stigmatised their whole life for one brief period of mental instability.

I would doff my hat to Skot if I had one for that comment...
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 16:43
That was most definitely a doff-worthy comment.

By bella! at 15,Jun,17 15:42 other posts of bella! 
JustWill, is there anything that you don't know nothing (I know that's a double negative) about?????
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 16:07
I'm sure that there is, I just avoid talking about those things...until I've done a bit of research.

By furluvr at 15,Jun,17 06:17 other posts of furluvr 
I've had a variation of Peyronie's, and it wasn't fun. Fortunately, it was mild and temporary, for the most part, with just a little bend remaining. I could feel the rigid tissue grow and then eventually go away. It probably wasn't scar tissue for me, but rather something more like a cyst.

Sorry. TMI.
By #491031 at 15,Jun,17 11:17
Did it require medical attention, or did it just go away on its own?

By mr_blue at 14,Jun,17 19:38 other posts of mr_blue 
What you doing Will ? can't be talking boners here you know!!
By #491031 at 14,Jun,17 19:39
I LIKE boners, alex! Plus--a little learnin' never hurts around these parts.

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