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Guard your privacy and have some common sense!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by admin at 26,Mar,09 20:31  other posts of admin
I do not restrict posting e-mails or phone numbers on this site except on the root page. It's pointless anyway - if you want to post e-mail you will do this in one form or another, no matter what filters I install here. Software is not yet intelligent enough.

However you must understand the consequences. Many members seem to be very naive. I see from time to time how they give away their private info to total strangers (anonymouses) in the public chat, not speaking about other members they also know very few about.

Internet is full of scam.

When you give away your e-mail address or phone number to someone you do not know well - be ready to receive tons of spam. And this is actually most harmless what can happen.

Talking about worse: you may be lured into some fraudulent scheme, ripping you off for money, you may be blackmailed, you may be embarrassed in front of your family, friends or work colleagues.

Apparently many members do not even understand, that when they write something on public pages of this very site it may come up later in google/yahoo searches. How would you like a situation, when someone (like your boss or business partner) looks up your work e-mail that you for some stupid reason wrote on your page here and finds your dicks pics?

Same with giving away your private pics (like the pics of your face, house with a visible address, family, car with a visible plate) to the people you do not know well - you never know what that person can do with them. For example: he/she can come to your local city forums and post those pics along with some information about you (or simply your nude pics you never meant your neighbors to see) and that could ruin your life.

Especially beware of the members who post fakes from the internet instead of their own pics. A person who uses fakes is dishonest by default and thus unreliable and unpredictable by default.

Most stupid thing I've seen here: a member giving off his e-mail in public chat to anonymous, who claimed to be underage, in order to exchange pics over e-mail with him. Do you understand how stupid this is? Underage pics are illegal in most of western countries, you can go to jail just for having them on hard disc of your PC. Sexual affairs with underage person is also often a crime. And you can never know who is on that side - just some ordinary fellow, a police agent or a potential blackmailer. And you cannot hide from law enforcement units behind the internet, once they know your IP, and they know it at the very moment you send them e-mail or enter msn or some other video chat with them, they can find you.

I should not protect those who deserve to go to prison and I do not protect them. But apparently many people simply to not understand that what they are doing may be a crime.

Now a conclusion. I strongly recommend all members of this site:

1. to do not post their e-mails and phone numbers openly on public pages of this site
2. to do not give away their e-mails and phone numbers to members you do not know well
3. to do not write e-mails or enter videochats using addresses left by anonymouses or members you do not know well
4. to do not send pics containing something you can be identified by (pics of your face, house, car etc.) to members you do not know well, not speaking about anonymouses
5. to do not enter into adult conversations of any kind with persons who claim to be under 18 and to report such persons to me immediately
6. to beware of the members who post fakes

Note: If you still feel determined to give away your e-mail address to total strangers - at least register a fucking new e-mail box with one of the numerous free services specially for this purpose and do not use it for anything else.

P.S. Obviously, it's not a good idea to use the nickname you well known under as an account name here.

Similar topics: 1.Ever looked at some members with things they say and do here and think why?   2.Sneaker Photo Update   3.The return of the "Old Guard"   4.Guys approach to women on SYD   5.pathetic hypocrisy from our government  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Feb,24 17:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
What about stupid cunts that post pics of their drivers license? And fail to redact key information

By PITBULL at 24,Feb,24 17:57 other posts of PITBULL 
Good point Sir-Skittles.
By Sir-Skittles at 25,Feb,24 16:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I hope some naughty scump does not repost it here !

cat you stupid cunt
By PITBULL at 25,Feb,24 16:50 other posts of PITBULL 
I think she is more of a moron

By #711135 at 24,Feb,24 17:10
TL;DR dont post your cellphone nr, nor your email address. Use a nick that nobody knows

By #685802 at 05,Jan,23 06:44
Meh businesses need to stop stalking us on the internet.

By #604639 at 15,Nov,19 10:19
how do you search for yourself. I posted a small story years ago, where would it be?
By admin at 15,Nov,19 12:53 other posts of admin 
This question is too vague. It depens on where exactly you posted it. Internet has become too huge. Some things stays almost forever, some get forgotten in several years and can't be found.
By tecsan at 11,Oct,20 06:36 other posts of tecsan 
Was dam good advice...Think all here should read this...I just think it is some what silly that some here have to be advised of this...That is why I am not verified here and probably never will be...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #625993 at 30,Sep,20 04:50
How do I post photos of my big dick in the groups I am part of?
By #551147 at 30,Sep,20 05:15
➡️ Goto YOUR gallery - click on the picture you wanna post - l👀k below that picture, and click on - "Show It In Blog Or Forum" - Select the 3rd option (UBB code) - copy that code and then paste it here - VOILA! Your picture will NOW show along with your message.

Hope that works for you, your cock may just be TOO MASSIVE to be put into such small group forums. Good luck!

🇺🇸 Free Kyle Rittenhouse 🇺🇸

By #551147 at 01,Oct,20 06:39
By bella! at 01,Oct,20 14:29 other posts of bella! 
My guess is that he must have thought your directions were too complicated.

By admin at 01,Oct,20 16:44 other posts of admin 
Probably was called as photoshopped fake or something. People leave when they do not get the reaction they expect.

By phart at 01,Oct,20 14:12 other posts of phart 
Are people really this friggen dumb that you had to post a full explanation of why NOT to post your personal info on a website? Sheesh.
The chalk line around common sense is almost completly drawn and no one knows who the victum was.

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Nov,19 14:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Hello, my name is Raj. I am here to help you. What is your full name and all of your information to better assist?
By Dev01 at 15,Nov,19 20:30 other posts of Dev01 
I sense a tree command

By Andthisisme at 27,May,15 19:48 other posts of Andthisisme 
I like to think I am pretty aware about such matters and never give out personal info and try to ensure that none of my uploads would be identifiable by background detail. I also have 'burner' emails I always use for joining adult sites.

I decided after reading admin's post to search for myself, a couple or regular ids i use. I was amused (?) to find a blog I had long since forgotten about, that I had closed and deleted but is still available as it is cached 'somewhere'. Having read Googles 'rules' I don't think I would be able to get that removed as it doesn't actually identify me (in ways they deem inappropriate). Which is actually true really.

I also found another profile I had forgotten about on another site, which had some images, which I have now closed and deleted.

Even with care we can all be caught out, I recently considered a Tumblr account, but decided against it on reading that once posted I pretty well lose control of any uploads. Motto - Never ever post anything that identifies you in any way at all - and remember once posted you lose total control of whatever it is that you post.

By #88520 at 29,Nov,11 10:11
Yeah I'm very careful with who I send private pics and e-mails to. I've chatted with a few people on here that have been using fake pics and were clearly trying to fish for personal information.

Some more tips/hazards:
1. Few people know that when you send an e-mail the receiver can see the IP-address from where the e-mail was sent. The reciever can then often easily look up which city or area you live in.

2. Pics sometimes contain EXIF-data that may reveal more info than you want to share. This is additional data that the camera/phone saves when the pic is taken and can be examined on a site like this:
It can be info about the camera, thumbnail of the whole pic even if it was cropped and in some cases even the GPS-cordinates where the pic was taken. It's no problem on this site, since all the EXIF-data seems to be stripped away when you upload something, but worth noting if you send pics by e-mail.

3. Be careful when sharing pics that you have uploaded someplace else. By doing a google image search on a pic you can find every place where that pic is uploaded. This can lead to someone finding your blog or facebook.

Just be careful and use some common sense if you don't want scammers to find out who you are.
By #315268 at 03,Jan,13 00:34
wow thats crazy, i had no idea

By qqqq1234 at 02,Mar,14 16:28 other posts of qqqq1234 
This x1000

By Sensuous50 at 02,Jan,14 00:06 other posts of Sensuous50 
Common sense is not so common. Admin discharging responsibility by this post. Thanks for your concern.

By #147052 at 04,Jan,13 15:38

By #278535 at 03,Jan,13 21:42
Very informative post! Thanks a lot

By #307727 at 03,Oct,12 20:34
someone has put pictures of me up on this site without my consent. how do i take them off?. as he wont take them off
By bella! at 03,Oct,12 21:24 other posts of bella! 
Send your concern directly to admin.

By #214409 at 03,Oct,12 21:08
Great post, thank you.

By #147052 at 20,Jan,12 15:40
again the admin of this site has some wise words....if you don't think so, we will be seeing you in the next federal sweep of **** sex deviates listed in the arrest documents. Wise up folks, the internet is not as safe as you think it is.

By fila1305 at 21,Dec,11 08:50 other posts of fila1305 
Just noticed this thread was linked under 'member support'. Hope everyone reads it. It's good advise.

By fila1305 at 29,Nov,11 09:09 other posts of fila1305 
Very well stated advice. Perhaps you could add a link to this post to the list with articles on the main page. Then it's shown to the members every time they come to the site and it doesn't just pop-up when a fresh comment is made.

By mikeyd270 at 24,May,11 06:40 other posts of mikeyd270 
All great advice, the only thing I would add is if you are going to give out a phone number get a pre-paid cell phone.

By #61152 at 15,Dec,10 03:02
And the surprising thing to me is, this message is going on 2 years old, and yet I see phone #'s and e-mails on the main page, public chat and in this discussion forum daily. Oh tried admin, it was a noble effort and maybe some folks will heed your "reality" check, but unfortunately, Ya can't save the stupid one's from themselves.
By admin at 15,Dec,10 03:12 other posts of admin 
Well, people at general are stupid and overconfident But some do read and make conclusions.

By #59855 at 14,Dec,10 17:35
From Matt's Wife: This is the thread I have spoken of, when people like pony girl tell you to post pics of your face think of this

By #38932 at 27,Jun,10 20:49
The truly disturbing thing is that admin had to post this. Most of this information is common sense.
By #82616 at 23,Aug,10 16:49
You would think so

By hipster at 08,Jan,10 21:21 other posts of hipster 
Should check out toon lover there is some awful stuff on there.

By vene at 02,Aug,09 02:16 other posts of vene 
gd info. thanks

By #7976 at 26,Jun,09 05:39
Excellent points. Thanks for saying what a lot of us were thinking.

By #3997 at 28,Mar,09 15:52
Very good info to put out admin, great job, just common sense, thanks

Adult Discussion Forum