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Started by #445533 at 26,May,17 08:18
I **** to say this but only sucking the head while jerking it won't do the trick. You need to please the whole thing. Shove it down your throat, choke on it, gently nip/bite the skin and/or foreskin, suck the balls, lick the frenulum hard and slurp it up while he's cumming!!! That will make us fall for you. Thank you!

Similar topics: 1.shower head + dick head   2.A note to the "bi-curious":   3.Post your random pussy pics HERE!   4.POST YOUR RANDOM DICK PICS HERE!!!!!   5.Is deep throat really better?  

New Comment

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 13:09
Thanks for the tips.I wish I could find my first cock to suck faster and use your advices.

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 16,Mar,18 20:48 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By #550094 at 10,Mar,18 10:25
Have you ever watched a pigeon peck food off the pavement?
I once had a guy suck my cock THAT FAST it made me wanna
She-Hulk Bitchslap him across the room!
I finally stopped him and sent his pigeonass home.
NOT havin that shyit... Ever!

I like all the techniques mentioned above, but I especially
love it when the tongue is swirling and kneading my
cock head while the wet hand is stroking my shaft
and the other hand is tickling behind my balls and taint.
I'm not into Quickies; I prefer slow edging blowjobs
combined with slow edging lubed handjobs.

By RealTitsLover at 27,May,17 18:24 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I can't relate to this, except for "suck the balls"... if they wanna choke themselves on it, that's their decision. I don't need any nipping or biting, I don't have foreskin or a frenulum, and I'm much more turned on by a girl stroking at the end while aiming so their face and/or tits get shot full f.orce with huge blasts of cum.
By #445533 at 27,May,17 22:45
To each their own, most people agree with me.
By RealTitsLover at 28,May,17 05:04 other posts of RealTitsLover 
About choking themselves on it being their decision, I meant that I'm not comfortable suggesting it, since I can understand not wanting to. But when they're so enthusiastic that they can't help themselves, and seem like all they really want is to get further... it's definitely a major turn-on.

By #528794 at 26,May,17 09:56
I second this. Oh and ffs retract the teeth people that scraping can hurt!
By #502711 at 27,May,17 12:26
YES! Teeth ruin a good BJ. & take your time, make love to the dick, use more tongue
By MM_DD at 27,May,17 14:25 other posts of MM_DD 
World of difference between just sucking a cock and making love to a cock.

By #467446 at 27,May,17 23:53
I dunno, I like my cock bitten just not the head! A little grating now n then is nice just not too much, extreme change in sensation, drives me crazy

By #363802 at 27,May,17 17:15
I LOVE to choke on the cock! And I LOVE a nice pair of balls to lick and suck as well! I like to think I give INCREDIBLE head, since I LOVE doing it! Because, let's face it, no one wants a blowjob from someone that isn't really into it! I could suck cock all day and night and be VERY HAPPY doing it!
By #445533 at 27,May,17 22:46
Mmmm,I like that. Send me your location 😘

By MM_DD at 27,May,17 14:24 other posts of MM_DD 
Yes to everything you've described, except maybe the shoving and choking part (breathing is important, you know!). I wouldn't even call that "head," more like a hand job with minimal oral effort. If the guy is so hung that you can't get his entire cock into your mouth, you can still probably get a good amount of the upper part of his shaft in. And yes...BALLS! Don't forget his balls!

By cumjohn at 27,May,17 13:24 other posts of cumjohn 
"I **** to say this but only sucking the head while jerking it won't do the trick. You need to please the whole thing."

Thats true. I have received many bad blowjobs when cocksucker use this lousy method to my cock.

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