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Started by #290044 at 02,Nov,12 15:27
I am at least 6.25" girth on any given day. I've read that this would put me in the top 5% as far as penis circumference goes. Since Being on this site I find that fact harder to believe. What do u all think?

Similar topics: 1.My Girth   2.Can the girth be too much?   3.Girth another way   4.Girth not legth   5.GIRTH: Am I Thin? Average? Above? BRUTAL HONEST ANSWERS  

New Comment

By Beercan10 at 22,Mar,15 19:44 other posts of Beercan10 
Thickness could be a woman's weakness.
Thicker than my wrist!
By #485312 at 03,May,15 14:51
love a big thick dick, nothing better than being filled and fucked to the max *lix*

By #485312 at 30,Apr,15 09:44
l think 6 is average, 7 and over would be starting to get over average, or maybe lve been spoilt, lve found most cocks over 7 inches long would be at least 6 girth or fingers fit around a 6 inch cock and just touch, so any l cant reach around l know are going to be a good fit *lix*

By #149019 at 04,Apr,15 08:05
[deleted image]

By metalraven13 at 04,Apr,15 01:43 other posts of metalraven13 
[deleted image]

I'm about 5" in girth.

By firefox553 at 04,Apr,15 00:44 other posts of firefox553 

I'm a little over 5 inches

By Cutewilly at 31,Mar,15 20:51 other posts of Cutewilly 
5.2 inches girth at full erection here. I think that just falls in to 'average' girth from what I can tell.

By #486463 at 31,Mar,15 19:31
6" in girth here.

By donkeyuncut at 27,Mar,15 02:19 other posts of donkeyuncut 
Well larger condoms r 59mm normal 54mm small 49mm
All around the 7" long
So thats un stretched so thats condom companies say
Smal 4"
Avg 4.5"
Big 5"
Think u can get xl 65mm
So xl 5.5"
So of course that's min size they fit
so a 7" girth would b very tight in extra large
By #6568 at 31,Mar,15 12:54
I'm over 6 inches around the base and most condms HURT!...actually I ****(h a t e) condoms really and have never found any that are comfortable for me!

.....The female codom is the only one that offers any real ease of use and they have had bad press recently, usually from people who will never need them!

By #479082 at 31,Mar,15 12:28
I'm 4,5. I'm straight curious and I had only few experiences with guys.
Actually I have never seen a thinner cock than as I am.

By tb1 at 19,Mar,15 21:58 other posts of tb1 
I think my friend basque9 belongs here:
[deleted image]

By basque9 at 29,Mar,15 18:08 other posts of basque9 

Why mate, because of this?
By *kmadeau* at 29,Mar,15 18:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
the only dick here I believe it's really very thick!
By basque9 at 30,Mar,15 00:03 other posts of basque9 
Thanks good buddy! You are the best!

By tb1 at 30,Mar,15 22:03 other posts of tb1 
oh yeah!!!!
By basque9 at 31,Mar,15 03:55 other posts of basque9 
But you are the bestest!

By #467057 at 21,Mar,15 16:33
[deleted image]

Girth is prime

By #482932 at 20,Mar,15 18:07
I believe that I belong here (not as thick as coke can but surely +6.3")

By Blackindianlund at 02,Nov,12 16:02 other posts of Blackindianlund 
mine is around 7
By #291618 at 02,Nov,12 22:19
yes it looks like it

By WristThick at 04,Nov,12 19:07 other posts of WristThick 
If you really claim such an enormous girth, please post some comparison and measuring pics like I have.

By notnow at 02,Nov,12 23:15 other posts of notnow 
IM six on the nose

By WristThick at 02,Nov,12 22:08 other posts of WristThick 
Your numbers are off. You're not in the top 5%. You're in the top 0.6%. No shit. This is according to the Lifestyles size study. And they disqualified guys who couldn't get fully hard, so probably more smaller than bigger guys got tossed out of the study. That means more than 6" of girth is even more rare.

By *kmadeau* at 02,Nov,12 17:10 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By fatcock57 at 02,Nov,12 16:36 other posts of fatcock57 
6.5 here...

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