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Men versus womans

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Started by petunia51 at 18,Jun,17 12:00  other posts of petunia51
Why are more men online than women? Sometimes even 1 to 4. That is 1 woman versus 4 men.
Warum sind immer mehr Mдnner online als Frauen? Manchmal sogar 1 zu 4. Das heiЯt eine Frau 4 Mдnnern gegenьber.
Pourquoi sont plus d'hommes que de femmes en ligne. Parfois mкme 1 а 4. Cela signifie qu'une femme contre quatre hommes

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By 2nice at 18,Jun,17 15:14 other posts of 2nice 
I gotta find me them womans.
By #491031 at 20,Jun,17 02:40
They am womans, hears them roar...

By #485312 at 18,Jun,17 23:33
men out number women by 10-1 or more, the reason, men are wired different and women are too busy doing the chores or catching up on **** while men are getting their cheap thrills from a source other than their partners, most women wouldn't be caught dead on a site like this, and its usually the women with a higher testosterone level that are here, lm sure they don't want the embarrassment of possibly being caught on a porn site either, and most men, wouldn't want their significant partner here anyway, it would ruin all their 'fun'...
l didn't say 'ALL' women are like this or 'ALL' men are perverts, its just the way the world is and most people follow the norm.. there are exceptions to this, but on the most part, men are very visual easily entertained and women would rather have the real deal *lix*

By leopoldij at 18,Jun,17 19:15 other posts of leopoldij 
For the same reason that if you want to fuck with someone it's easier to fuck a man than a woman. (If, of course, this is something you want.)
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By #535695 at 18,Jun,17 15:02
Because guys think about sex more.

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