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Things that make you throw up in your mouth a bit...

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Started by #487013 at 28,Jun,17 14:41
Here's a place to post about things that you've seen or heard, or that others do that make up want to ralph up your lunch just a bit.

Similar topics: 1.Penis Veins   2.Hard cocks pointing at my!!!!   3.What happens in your mouth when someone cums in it?   4.Yay! Blocked for the first time!   5.Ever taken a huge cum load in your mouth  

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By mr_blue at 30,Jun,17 08:57 other posts of mr_blue 
Sweaty bra and stinky sock money !!!

By #487013 at 30,Jun,17 05:27
Skinny anorexic looking chicks wearing leggings where you can see the inside of their ass cheeks or shirts that show their chicken giblet looking thigh gap.

By bella! at 29,Jun,17 03:45 other posts of bella! 
One of my pet peeves is seeing a woman that falls outside of the 16 to 24 year old age group that is wearing something that has PINK written across her ass OR women that think that they're able to slide out of the house wearing pajama bottoms.
By Cox4you at 29,Jun,17 03:50 other posts of Cox4you 
Oh I've seen many a women go out in their nightgowns.

On a side note, I really have never understood guys who wear socks and flip flops.

Now I'm not a fan of feet and especially big gnarly toes that look like eagle talons but wouldn't the socks impede with the part of the flip flop that goes between the big toe.

.... or the gents who where shorts and socks up to their knees.

I guess they have tan knee caps.
By JeffinKS at 29,Jun,17 04:03 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #487013 at 29,Jun,17 22:19
Ill wear pj bottoms ocasinally when I go out but only if im sick or its cold.I always make sure they are clean and not slept in.
By bella! at 30,Jun,17 03:40 other posts of bella! 
I have a feeling that you look young and can pull the pajama bottoms off. I see a fair amount of mature women that are really too old, really too big to be schlepping around in their pajamas.
By #487013 at 30,Jun,17 05:25
A lot has to do with me working nights, its comfy and convenient to not have to change after work. Especially when I come exhausted.

By #487013 at 28,Jun,17 14:44
Grown ass women that call their dudes "daddy", or chicks over 18 that wear Harley Quinn shirts that say "daddy's little monster", especially if they have k/ids and their tits look like stretched out bubble gum or the shirt fits way too tight. Bitch it isn't fucking Halloween go play Wow like the other delusional nerds that want to be something they are not.
By #487699 at 29,Jun,17 01:58
You are so fucking right. To me personally I **** seeing some fat ass chick in yoga pants or something really tight that looks like they're about to rip. I dont need to see your cellulite covered ass

By Cox4you at 29,Jun,17 02:18 other posts of Cox4you 
Every time I walk into a Walmart.

By #358797 at 29,Jun,17 02:42
One time when I lived in another town I had this apartment on the second floor with a pretty good view of a row of frequented businesses across the road (IE. Thrift shops and a dollar general), anyways, one day it was raining and I was watching for a rainbow (I fucking love rainbows) and this big ol broad (had to have weighed a good quarter ton) comes waddling down the road... looked like that toad ki.d out of Nightmare Before Christmas... She was wearing a worn out, soaking wet, transparent white beater, no bra, and a pair of shorty-shorts. I called my neighbor to look so I could share the pain. I shit you not, her titties hung passed her waist and were flipping around like a set of clacker balls.... I've never recovered from that sight.
By Cox4you at 29,Jun,17 03:11 other posts of Cox4you 
I see that shit in Walmart more than I care to. So many inappropriate dressed peeps strolling around on scooters bc they are too fat to walk. Boobs dragging behind them.
I was looking for bath towels and on the shelve was damn chicken bones!!!
You know someone was strolling about eating away and just tossing the bones.
By bella! at 29,Jun,17 03:41 other posts of bella! 
It's not just a Walmart, it's EVERYWHERE!
By Cox4you at 29,Jun,17 03:43 other posts of Cox4you 
True on that.

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