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Changing my member name...

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Started by RealTitsLover at 05,Jul,17 00:15  other posts of RealTitsLover
Way too many girls seem to get the wrong impression... Like the "Real" means really, emphasizing the "Big" - which is the part I wanna take out. I'm a lover of natural/real tits. Of course, the bigger the better usually, but that doesn't mean I don't love smaller ones.

Some people have warned me that so many people know my current member name, that changing it could be confusing. But keeping it so close to how it is now, that shouldn't be much of an issue, right? To be clear, I'd change it to RealTitsLover... though I don't have enough points right now. Oh shit, this costed me another 20, huh?

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 09,Jul,17 05:31 other posts of leopoldij 
You made the wrong choice I'm afraid. When I read RealBigTitsLover I read it as Real(BigTits)Lover. And that's because the word "real", an adjective, is also informally used in American English as an adverb. So one reads it as Really Big Tits Lover.

You intended, however, to use "real" as an adjective for the noun "tits". In this case, it should have been just before "tits". By putting it before "big" you are using it both as an adjective and as an informal adverb. This is why most (all) English speaking people do not interpret it in the way you intended.

Therefore you should correct it.

I'm not a native English speaker, I'm only analysing the placement of words. You're the English speaker, so you know best.
By RealTitsLover at 09,Jul,17 23:36 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
By leopoldij at 10,Jul,17 02:12 other posts of leopoldij 

By #482237 at 09,Jul,17 23:54
Shouldn't then he have said "BigRealTitsLover", meaning he is much into real tits??
By leopoldij at 10,Jul,17 02:12 other posts of leopoldij 
That's a possibility.
By RealTitsLover at 10,Jul,17 02:35 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I thought "Lover" covered that pretty well...

Love is a strong word, after all.
By leopoldij at 10,Jul,17 05:49 other posts of leopoldij 
But you can't ignore the adjectives...
Anyway, it's good now.
BTW I like real tits too.

By #526776 at 09,Jul,17 02:25
I do understand what you're saying... it seems like with the name you have now, you're emphasizing that you like "real big" tits. After our conversation, I think you want to emphasize that you just like "real tits". I get it. So, it wouldn't be a bad thing to do the name change as long as it wasn't confusing to long-time friends
By RealTitsLover at 09,Jul,17 23:36 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Yeah, I'm guessing the only members that might actually be confused are the ones who've gone long enough without PMing me that the chat log's been deleted. I'm sure the ones I care about can figure it out, anyway...

I went ahead and changed it after seeing this post. Thanks again for sharing your opinion.

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