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What's the most original personal page ?

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Started by #536760 at 04,Oct,17 06:44
What's the most original personal page you have found on here ???

Similar topics: 1.privet chat on personal page   2.The "What others think about this member" button   3.Post Your Favorite Picture ...   4.100 PIC PERSONAL GALLERY PAGES?   5.Rate my own personal pix.mixed personal  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 04,Oct,17 15:13 other posts of leopoldij 
By #485312 at 05,Oct,17 07:51
lol, l love this one too, he's a very interesting fella and a very horny one too *lix*
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 08:11
Interesting? You should see his basement.
By #485312 at 05,Oct,17 08:16
see it??? l helped him build it and stock it lol, *Lix*
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 08:23
Are you responserbul for all the weird willy warmers?
By #485312 at 05,Oct,17 12:54
yeah l steal them off clothes lines and stash them in his dungeon *lix*
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 13:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you for your help in building my sex dungeon. It's, of course, a pain free dungeon. I don't like s&m. But it's full of pleasures. Those who enter it don't want to leave. I provide my special vip services to females who enter it. I guarantee multiple orgasms per hour.

By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 13:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Now, what's this icudowill3 Aussie guy doing there I don't know. Nobody invited him.
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 20:50
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 21:54 other posts of leopoldij 
What the fuck does STORKING mean?
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 23:10
Oops (stalking) my Chinese made spell checker stuffed it up again.
No I was not leaving a ba-by on your door step or standing on one leg for a selfie. That would just be weird.
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,17 13:39 other posts of leopoldij 
By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 19:37
Yes I know Spanish too. Don't ever call me that again.
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,17 22:11 other posts of leopoldij 
.sdrow elbisneherpmocni gnisu dna yhpargohtro fo esnes yna gnippord ,noitautcnup ot noitnetta yna gniyap toN .od uoy yaw eht ni gnitirw trats ll'I kniht I
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 00:50
English detected. Poopanickel.

وضع القضيب في القاع والغناء بالنسبة لي.
dos,nt really translate.
By #23212 at 08,Oct,17 00:09
But it DOES: 'Put the penis at the bottom and sing for me'
By #536760 at 08,Oct,17 06:54
I think Moses dropped the tablet with that one on it.

By #23212 at 07,Oct,17 01:55
Leather was the king of Chinese leather free days profit days emperor
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 04:11
Yep ?????? Sometimes leobot gets a virus.
By leopoldij at 07,Oct,17 09:28 other posts of leopoldij 
If I extrapolate from the way you write mate, I'd infer that you're full of viruses all the time.

By leopoldij at 07,Oct,17 09:29 other posts of leopoldij 
These days you can generate arbitrarily random texts in any language.
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 21:10
But why would you want to?
By leopoldij at 07,Oct,17 21:50 other posts of leopoldij 
because you do too.
By #536760 at 08,Oct,17 02:37
By leopoldij at 15,Oct,17 20:48 other posts of leopoldij 

By #485312 at 07,Oct,17 19:44
Rivarossi Has a great original page, l love his use of props and it always brings a smile to my face *lix*

By #23212 at 08,Oct,17 00:13
Hi *lix*. Thanks for the posting. He sure does have some fun pics!
By #536760 at 08,Oct,17 01:15
Yes he gets my excitement tickle every day.

By #121361 at 07,Oct,17 21:22
Lenatur 's Page !!! Or LIX what you say ??? In love for all SYD Users !!!

By #485312 at 06,Oct,17 00:43
lve known the HornyPoett for many years, and his works of art have always been a favourite of mine, very giving and very artful, its always a pleasure to perv on him *lix*

By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 01:02
Love this shot. And the jumping one.

By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 01:03
Love this shot. And the jumping one. [deleted image]

By mr_blue at 05,Oct,17 12:57 other posts of mr_blue 
Admin's it's the very first personal/member page,so it's the original ...
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 21:34
True. But not very inspirational.

By #485312 at 05,Oct,17 07:50
whoneedspants is one of my favourites and he lives just over the ditch from us here *lix*
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 08:18
That ones new to me. Thank you. Good pics and great location.

By #536760 at 04,Oct,17 06:47
I do like mravg ?

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