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Why is thete a pic of the month vote

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Started by Dev01 at 30,Oct,17 11:31  other posts of Dev01
So hot is hot and not so hot but if its hot it is why negative... this site has changed... FFS

Similar topics: 1.PIC OF THE MONTH - GREAT FEATURE!   2.Thoughts about pic of the month   3.Cum4Steffi: Pls Vote For Pic Of Month. I Was Close Last Mo.!   4.Pic of the month?   5.Vote for me for pic of the month  

New Comment

By PoloFields at 30,Oct,17 22:19 other posts of PoloFields 
If you're uptight over pic of the month, maybe you need to get laid?
By Dev01 at 05,Feb,18 09:33 other posts of Dev01 
Well i have 4 **** so apparently i have been laid 4 times. Unlike you i dont have to r@pe my hand Mr Polio
By Sir-Skittles at 08,Feb,18 20:46 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By admin at 30,Oct,17 16:12 other posts of admin 
You are joking, right? You are most of all should know this site was a troll paradise from the beginning and now it's much more "muggle-friendly".
By Dev01 at 05,Feb,18 09:36 other posts of Dev01 
But i was a paying troll.....i was thinking more conspiracy concept.

By RealTitsLover at 08,Feb,18 20:40 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I'm gonna pretend this is a serious thread for a minute...

I think there should either be some small reward when you vote for a male or female pic for pic of the month for the first time that month, or a requirement for every member to choose one. It's the only way it'll ever be anything but a popularity contest. My entry for the female pic in December got over 500 votes and still lost.

By #539433 at 30,Oct,17 15:49

Adult Discussion Forum