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How many guys you've slept with?

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Started by #538583 at 04,Nov,17 05:09
I think my list is big and I'm feeling guilty... 20 guys in 4 years

*Typo How many guys have you slept with?

Similar topics: 1.How Many women have you slept with in a week?   2.Ejaculation issues   3.Ever had roommates or friends that slept nude ?   4.You **** NUDE ? Always slept nude ? Even with roommates ?   5.Fucked in a motel room while another couple slept next to us.  

New Comment

By #562152 at 18,Nov,18 17:20
more than i remember

By Ablaze at 18,Nov,18 14:26 other posts of Ablaze 
I had sex with 34 (only oral with some of them)

By #537175 at 18,Nov,18 12:56
Ive fooled around with quite a few , but slept with in terms of spending the whole night and waking up pressed against their hard cock , that's 4 . two of them fairly long term relationships , one with a straight friend who got drunk and stayed the night and wanted to experiment , and another friend who used to **** over when I stayed with my parents .

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 12:40
I am still young so as I can remember eight different guys

By Andthisisme at 20,Nov,17 14:44 other posts of Andthisisme 
I am assuming that 'slept' here is a euphemism. I have no experience of that but otherer than in an ongoing relationship I would guess most such encounters are not overnighters. But 'shoot me down' if I am wrong.

By #463848 at 20,Nov,17 13:27
Only one overnight (but several times with him); otherwise, bed/chair/floor - not sleeping

By #543165 at 09,Nov,17 14:09
By #460385 at 09,Nov,17 14:35
Holy shit

By rocket1 at 09,Nov,17 17:57 other posts of rocket1 
Im rite with you!
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

Maybe a couple more

By #536019 at 04,Nov,17 14:28
"Slept"? None.

Now if the question were "How many men have you had sex with", I'd say around 50, over a LONG period of time.

By leopoldij at 04,Nov,17 05:24 other posts of leopoldij 
that's not bad. Looks like you have a high sex drive. That's great. You're deriving more enjoyment than others. Nothing wrong with that.

Adult Discussion Forum