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Started by routemaster at 12,Mar,18 08:00  other posts of routemaster
I don't suppose many people outside the UK will have heard of Sir Ken Dodd (maybe Australians) but he passed away earlier today (12.3.1 at the ripe old age of 90. An irrepressible showman and very funny, he could hold an audience with his jokes and antics for two hours or more and was also a very fine serious singer. Older UK's will remember his number 1 hit "Tears" and other songs such as "Happiness", both in the 1960s. He was only (very belatedly) knighted last year and was still entertaining people almost right up to the end. A true star. R.I.P. Sir Ken

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By niginni at 28,Mar,18 09:10 other posts of niginni 
Today a great British comedian is laid to rest in Liverpool and the turn out is going to be huge. Goodbye Sir'll always make us laugh! Raise your Jam Butties in the air and tickle your chuckle muscles.

By Blokesecret at 15,Mar,18 23:59 other posts of Blokesecret 
I actually live in knotty ash in Liverpool, about 300 yards from Doddys house, he was amazing for our area and did an awful lot for local charity’s. he will be so missed. RIP Sir Ken.

By routemaster at 13,Mar,18 00:23 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks to all of you for your comments on the sad loss of this National Treasure. I'm crying with laughter after watching a couple of tribute shows to him on t.v. just now, he was hilarious! All the more reason to mourn this supreme entertainer.

By #551482 at 12,Mar,18 22:34
Doddy, Sir Ken Dodd

The world will be a less funny place without you.

For the members who maybe donґt know the name: Doddy was one of the greatest funny men.

Some of his best one-liners:

"My dad knew I was going to be a comedian. When I was a baby, he said, 'Is this a joke?'"

"I haven't spoken to my mother-in-law for 18 months. I don't like to interrupt her."

"My act is very educational. I heard a man leaving the other night, saying: 'Well, that taught me a lesson.'"

On his famous tax fraud trial: "I told the Inland Revenue I didn't owe them a penny because I lived near the seaside."

"I do all the exercises every morning in front of the television - up, down, up, down, up, down. Then the other eyelid."

"I did 25 minutes running on the spot this morning - I had my braces caught in the banister."

"I wanted to take the dog to obedience class but it wouldn't go."

By Jb11 at 12,Mar,18 21:21 other posts of Jb11 
I've experienced four of his shows and it's usually the early hours before you get away. Made my ribs sore with laughing so much. He had the audience in his hands, nobody else could or ever will match him. A fine singing voice too!
RIP Doddy

By niginni at 12,Mar,18 20:22 other posts of niginni 
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An era of British comedy has ended, a comedy genius and trained singer he is off to The Jam Buttie Mine

R.I.P. Sir Ken

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By #545929 at 12,Mar,18 20:11
The flags will be at half mast at the Jam Butty Mines in Knotty Ash.

By Andthisisme at 12,Mar,18 11:20 other posts of Andthisisme 
I was lucky enough to be at one of his mammoth shows and laughed all through evening. He was part of the 'soundtrack' of my life from an early age and was a unique talent who will be much missed.

By kebmo at 12,Mar,18 09:11 other posts of kebmo 
I hadn't heard of him so I saw a ten minute piece on YouTube. Best line: "I'm a sex symbol for the women that don't care."

By #526977 at 12,Mar,18 08:59
a true showman. always family fun. His shows always over.ran by at least an hour!
he will be missed.

By spongeknob at 12,Mar,18 08:28 other posts of spongeknob 
It is a shame and he will be missed . With reference to his song "Happiness", I was at a school fete one summer and they had some of the **** singing their favorite songs , unfortunately their pronunciation of the title word sounded more like "A PENIS" this had most of the adults grinning and chuckling .

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