Ever notice how many of these Discussion Forum members are non existent? Just looked at 1st ten, and EIGHT were...IMAGINARY? Creations of the owners of the Website full of big, GIGANTIC cocks?...just to keep us 'cumming' back for more?...Just like the World's Governments/Religions wanting to proselytize their 'members' into believing WHATEVER they say.
...To keep US all cumming back for more...BS...
Methinks I have discovered the ultimate propaganda...BIG DICKS and their power over one and all...Even IF they JUST appear bigger than they actually are...Just like...ANY 'head' of ANY 'cuntry' (pardon me for stating something the way our prez 'wood')... you care to mention. Poothead? XI JUMPING PING?...And of course...the ONE...THE ONLY...Trumpety Dumpety....prez of the United States of 'MURICHAH'...just because 'AMERICA' does NOT exist anymore under him...It's been 'cumming' for a long time, but finally...'Muricah' the redneck, dumbass, stupid, WHITE supremacist country from hell exists...And WE live here!
And as for the big dick problem,I don't have that problem so I can't say much except I don't have any desire to photoshop my dick either. It is what it is, take it or leave it!.
The truth is terrorist linked to those country's are hacking servers and information all over the world and making it LOOK like Russia or China is out to kill us all. But the media and the folks that want 1 world gov and all that shit don't want you or me to be capable of figuring that out or understanding it. Terrorist know they can't act on their own anymore.They try to bomb something,they are found and stopped. So they hide behind keyboards and prompt folks to jump up and down and shiver in fear without firing a shot or blowing up anything. This way they actually get to live and see the turmoil. Kinda like watching a rat in a sticky trap wiggle to it's death.
Russia is unlikely to start a 3rd world war but not because of broke economy, such things never stops dictators, who are often quite disconnected from reality because of constant sweet lies of their subordinates. Russia would not start a global war mostly because all their elites have a lot of their assets outside of Russia and often even their families live outside of Russia. So, they basically would be bombing themselves. That being said, Russia like to make water muddy. It's best for their corrupt elites, so they will spread chaos on international arena in any way they still can.
China is definitely aiming for control over their region. Which means it will affect allies of USA - Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. So they are interested in at least making USA less powerful since USA can mess their plans. I'm not informed enough to make any predictions about this, however.
And I SO wish you were right about Russia (or China, N.Korea) or that our very own US of A would NOT start a war. (Do you KNOW who is our el prezidente?? And his threats against N. Korea? Do you think China/Russia would remain neutral in that conflict? Even if we have every right to stop this little shithead) Wars involving any of these few countries likely means Nuclear. Likely spreading in an uncontrolled manner. Why? Because ALL wars started in some nonsensical way; Land ownership, Politics, beliefs, religion...MONEY, POWER, etc...None of which are rational or make sense to people of logic. Did rational thinking EVER stop wars? NO. We have had 2 World Wars...The 1st was the 'War to End all Wars'...And then the 2nd World War happened. Despite having ALREADY had the War to End All Wars, this one was worse...There is NO reason to think a 3rd will not happen. Simply because human history is almost entirely made of Warfare...Even if the 3rd one includes Nukes, that is just the evolution of WAR...Did you know there has NEVER been a weapon made, that has NOT been used in warfare? Nukes only twice...and that was JUST not enough. Plus, there are so MANY modern weapons no one knows about. They will have to be tested in actual war fighting. Just like all previous weapons have been. What do you think Iraq, Afghanistan, VIETNAM were ACTUALLY all about? Weapons testing even if 'they' said they were about 'ethical' and righteous reasons...Nukes will be used again. Likely sooner than later. We can just hope they will be used in a far off (titter, titter. There are no far off places anymore) place that will be limited enough to FINALLY teach those in Power that warfare has outlived it's usefulness. After all, if there is no one to be in power over because Society as we all know it, does not exist anymore...what's the point?
That 1983 film 'Wargames' had it all right. WAY back when...
Sorry if I scared anybody...But you should ALL be SCARED AS HELL!...We are living thru a late 1930's type history. Do I need to remind you how that ended?
I think your president is a very skillful negotiator and wise ass, despite his appearances or may be those appearances are exactly because of that.
To me it's more scary that western people willingly submit into slavery to the system in recent decades than possibility of global conflict. Global war is not impossible, but not very probable at the moment. Global slavery is very probable.
I am saying this as someone who absolutely HATES human behavior as far as our treatment of one another. We cannot fix this disgusting problem if we have no Planet or Society to exist on, or within.
Tunnel vision is not they way out of this quagmire...Big picture. BIG PICTURE...
As far as gigantic dicks and what we read here, I just meant that it's likely lots made up by the Editors of this site. Just like 'Penthouse Forum' of years past. Everyone was agog at the sordid, sexual stories there and wondered why that never happened in their lives. Well, it turns out many years later, that most were just made up to help the 'circulation'. titter, titter.
Some of the big dicks here also benefit from photographic perspective, etc....and some are just magnificently gigantic.
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